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Valve brought multiplayer ludo back with a single update.


Red pill me

>That guy's playlist

I find it so weird how some people listen to the same music they grew up with until they die. I know guys in their 40s still listening to NIN like they just can't get enough.


>people like things they grew up with


yiddsy boys suck ass


>people like things they like


>Facebook created Like culture because it was real.
You can't tell me listening to the same songs all your life makes any sense.


>people like things and don't get tired of everything they like


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Not playing old games and mic spamming old music to get that cozy nostalgic feeling while you're calling everyone a nigger and a faggot after they kill you
Sucks to be you


yeah people like things yhey like


No, they don't. They are too consumed with life tasks to branch out and listen to anything new. They probably still eat cereal and drink soda.


Yes they do. If you enjoy something you don't stop listening to it for some arbitrary reason. No one does that.


What a strange little world you live in.


File: 1701397212313.jpg (130.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Medikkk gaming.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

While not censoring TF2 at all.

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