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Gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart I must inform you that the creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has been targeted by Soyjack.part. Because of this targeting, she has departed the internet and taken her games with her. Coffin will continue to be developed by her in the background under a different developer, but that's it. Her VN's were also taken down on her personal site. This is a dark day. The retards have gone too far.



>the development will continue
I thought this sick game was already released.


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Only two chapters. There's at least two more due.


What was the straw that broke the camel's back for the developer? Couldn't handle a little trolling or were they spoiling the game in earnest?


My understanding is that it wasn't a full dox. They found some links, somebody blew their load and started sending messages, the dev perked up to the threat and deleted everything before they could find her real personal details.


Who is she? Is it a tranny or not?


There has not been a shred of evidence that the creator is a tranny. At best, we know it's a woman. Somebody somewhere said tranny and everyone ran with it. Then we got to this point.


This is the (((western))) brother/sister incest VN that's been going around lately, right? So what caused this to be targeted specifically?


They thought the creator was a tranny despite there being no proof.


But like 41% of western devs are trannys.


100% of soyjack users are losers.


soyjak teens coping hard in that thread about how incompetent they are lmao


It's really something else to see it in live action. It's like if they telling themselves they won it'll manifest into reality. The game is still going, their mark made it more difficult for them to find her, their big win is only real in their minds.


Vee was right, this is the best game ever, incest, vore and satanism make all the evil sjws seethe.


>Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or to personally consume, another person or creature, or an erotic attraction to the process of eating in general practice.
I just like watching girls licking/eating phallic objects, why do I have to get lumped in with sickos into cannibalism.


Because the slippery slope is real. The current tranny shit was preceded by the popularity of Astolfo and other such fembois, which conveniently only really took off after multiple generations of weebs were desensitized for decades to chicks with dicks by futanari porn.


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>Joke characters only pulled out to cater the terminal online degeneracy
Do these marxists really hate John Money? There's a similar case with fat pride, in which was spawned by chubby chasers from reddit just to manipulate clout chasing sluts in order to whore themselves as rejected victims from TLC's 600lbs Life.


Oh well.


I need to use neural A.I to make a video of John Lennon beating the shit out of Yoko while Imagine is playing in the background.


Did you post those AI pics on 4chan of Lennon battering Yoko with a guitar?


I would like to see these.


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I thought Yoko was the abusive one.


It wasn't a real marriage.
Nothing on tv is real


She was, this is an envisioning of what would have happened if the simp known as John Lennon had lived long enough to get tired of her shit.
YOU FUCKING CUNT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR THAT CAT YOWL YOU DID IN FRONT OF CHUCK BERRY he would yell in his gay limey accent while caving her stupid nipmonkey skull in with his guitar.


These are gold. Hilarious.


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So, I only like pussy, am I immune to faggotry?


Pussy was a fucking FBI snitch, he had to be put down because the government wanted a piece of that blackmail dope.


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