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File: 1701725226722.png (879.53 KB, 1010x958, 505:479, Gman.png) ImgOps iqdb


>Hello, Gordon. You're probably wondering why… you're. a black. man nnnow.


Are they numaking Halflife now?


File: 1701730335244.jpg (270.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mr-blue-eyes.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

New G-Man just dropped


>he's not black
Fake news.


He isn't black or white, it's implied he is an AI using a human as a go-between


What are you talking about? Is this from Alyx or something?


File: 1701805383607.png (389.23 KB, 370x600, 37:60, Mr.BlueEyes001.png) ImgOps iqdb

It's from Cyberpunk 2077. "Mr Blue Eyes" shows up in a couple of quests as an unseen background figure that is pulling the strings in Night City. You can see him watching in the distance in some quests like with G-Man.


I sound like a feral animal desperate for HL3 digs.
Never understood the gman thing. Probably nothing to understand
Valve dropped the ball so hard they're getting parodied in shitty console games


>It's from Cyberpunk 2077
Why do you know that? At least tell me you pirated it.


File: 1701891431330.png (11.9 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, cyberpunk-2077-attack-npcs….png) ImgOps iqdb

I've played 100+ hours of the Phantom Liberty version. They fixed basically everything that was shit in the release version. It's annoying that it took them 3 years to get here but it was worth it to experience some pure gamekino I haven't felt since The Witcher 3


>The Witcher 3
More shit I can't imagine playing.


File: 1701892776646.jpg (9.57 MB, 9600x5400, 16:9, vedmak-3-vedmak-vedmak-3-d….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Contrarian /v/edditor opinion, The Witcher 3 is one of the greatest games ever made


What was it? Another hack n slash sim with beautifur graffics?


I'm not going to sell you on Witcher 3 retard, where the fuck have you been for the last decade


Fuck you, faggot.


that's genshin impact


I know people like it, but
I can't imagine why anybody would buy a console nor do I know why anybody would play a game that is ported from console on pc.


>I can't imagine why anybody would buy a console nor do I know why anybody would play a game that is ported from console on pc.
Witcher 3 isn't a port retard it launched on PC day and date. Cyberpunk was also very obviously built for PC which is why it caused such an upset when it ran at 10fps on consoles


>when it ran at 10fps on consoles
They do this shit on purpose because they know consolefags won't notice, and it gets them spending money on PCs anyway if they do.


>They fixed basically everything that was shit in the release version.
They get rid of all the troon and faggot shit then?


>Level scaling is gud
cuckchan is that way pleb


File: 1702074676213.png (1.27 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, ooofseekerscaling.png) ImgOps iqdb

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