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Video games


Where da videogames? All I see is a pre rendered video.


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Here's your nigger theft auto.
Best cuckeogooming to you.


The whole 'prerendered' term doesn't apply to video games anymore thanks to new technologies.

For a trailer they can render it at a much higher resolution(8-16X) and then downsample it down to 1080p, it can have the 'footage created with in game engine' disclaimer with no issue. Later on for console releases they'll render it at a lower resolution and then use a few upscaling tricks to have to show up as 1080p.



The Jezebel is a stereotype of a hypersexual, seductive, and sexually voracious Black woman. Her value in society or the relative media is based almost purely on her sexuality and her body.[26]

The roots of the Jezebel stereotype emerged during the era of chattel slavery in the United States. White slave owners exercised control over enslaved Black women's sexuality and fertility, as their worth on the auction block was determined by their childbearing ability, ie. their ability to produce more slaves.[27] The sexual objectification of Black women redefined their bodies as "sites of wild, unrestrained sexuality",[28] insatiably eager to engage in sexual activity and become pregnant. In reality, enslaved Black women were reduced to little more than breeding stock, frequently coerced and sexually assaulted by white men.[29]

Post-emancipation, the sexualization of Black women has remained rampant in Western society. Modern-day Jezebels are pervasive in popular music culture; Black women more often appear in music videos with provocative clothing and hypersexual behaviour compared to other races, including white women.[26] The Jezebel stereotype has also contributed to the adultification and sexualization of Black adolescent girls.[30]

tl;dr redpilled game


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It's Africa: the videogame.


lol, lmao


>black woman
>sexually assaulted by white men
Even niggers don't want to fuck sheboons. Who would actually believe anyone else would want them?


>White homeless man begging for nigger gobbmint gibs
Yeah it's so fucking redpilled my guys


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>Who would actually believe anyone else would want them?
lmao… speak for yourself shrimpdick


>Wears organized vomit on her head


GTA post-BLM riots edition


>They stopped
Nike and Target raids are still a thing.


They try so hard for realism, but it ultimately fails because to make the sheboons look their average weight would be politically incorrect.


Fair enough. They're looting tractor trailers now.


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>Filtered by braids
Many such cases


Looks like AI's version of vomit ropes


Sheboons should just stick to making their hair look White. All this other crap they do just makes them look like clowns.


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BNWO coming in nicely


Will there be groid looting scenes?


There are people on the Foxdick Farms crying about people getting turned off by all the niggers.




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The "Grand Theft Auto Grieving Thread."


I think it's a shill campaign outsourced by the dev team company. It's the same type of low effort shit in any thread about it (except here).


Why all these "anti-sjw" grifters are now attacking the right-wingers because of GTA6?
Yelloeflash did a video. Vee did a video. They are all defending the game.

Moreover, it is quite evident how they Sargonists/antiwoke crew are filled the lolicons, furfags, Cucks and straight sexual deviants


Does anyone here speak seamonkey ladyboy? This post is barely comprehensible.


They've been "strategically cucking" like this since 2015.


>likes the nigger and tranny game wearing GTA's skin
>named himself semen recycler


Their excuse is "GTA always had black people!", but was it ever this negrified outside of San Andreas? I've never gotten around to playing San Andreas because of its high levels of negrocity.


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Based and conquistadorpilled


Yeah I never once considered a GTA playthrough on the basis of featured niggers.


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Damn, is zzzchan /v/ so dead to you make you come and post here, Koi? Btw, can you stop posting cp on tvch and defending sex with little girls? Thank you.



Are you sure? Seems pretty dead to me.




>heh hey I got some drama going finally


That isn't funny or cleaver, buddy. But go ahead, keep jerk off your little dick to lolicon porn and seething hard about /ch3/ and /kong/ being better than your shit dead board.


>accuses me of zzz out of nowhere
Guess I cut deep with that comment.


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I can't believe GTA does all these toxic memes but doesn't have super heroes roaming their cities doing badass shit at random. Missed oppo.


I just stick to Vice City. I imagine San Andreas is a good game, but the whole nig nog theme just ruins it for me.


They'll probably have a superhero expansion of some sort, it'll be an easy cash-in, what with all the kids growing up on capeslop.


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>Same talking points and lingo
Sure thing, buddy.




>Still seething and baiting 48 hours later.
You can't stop this GTA6 disaster watchalong thread.


I genuinely have zero clues as to why you had that reaction to me at all. if your whole goal was just to say some non sequitur bullshit to baffle me then good job, if you actually have some kind of issue with me then you are worse than actual autistic retards at communicating it and I am glad you will suffer for your entire life as an incommunicable blob of flesh.


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>random boogeymanccusations


There's no relation between these new wave antiwoke's and sargon, they are more related and worship more Daddy Gym, they love to mock Sargon and love feminism.


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Gigachad was born in 2011


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Leaked game play footage


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Can't just have a kino White couple anymore.


Muttmerica ain't white anymore
Witness it fall IRL and laugh


*in real time


Can't have that or Blackrock won't give them their ESGbux.


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I have 1,33 TB (1.467.319.736.828 bytes) of videos in my main HD, yes, most of it is trans500 kino and onlyfans videos, but a good part is also old streams of lolcows, e-celebs and vintage movies.

Should I delete it all once for all and make space to vidya? I want to try new games.


Depends, which lolcows?


delete the porn and save the lolcow contents


Show us the Trans500 kinos.

And tell me where a brotherman can be hooked up with some.


And just like that: All is forgiven Rockstar, much like Nintendo with their flashy bloom filtered slop games.


King, a true /cow/boy.


What's to forgive? GTA V and Red Dead 2 were great, they just take fucking forever to come out


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Fuckkof R*


Give It to us somehow, even the trans 500 kino


GTA 5 left a lot to be desired compared to the 4th one and the Online mode getting exclusive updates was a huge middle finger to anyone who believed their sweet little lie of Story mode getting DLC for its respective characters and shitcanning a new franchise in favor of more bullshit missions. As for RDR2, it really felt like you're doing the chores, its online mode should've not be conceived.
Also the Trilogy remake, I don't care if some third-party got their hands on it while excluding the "OG's who were ur fwiends", but why the fuck they thought that was a good idea? I know they wanted to btfo the pirates by coming out with something better than torrents (renderware engine is owned by EA), but holy shit I'd rather support the HIRE THIS MAN folks who just dumped the models into Unreal Engine.

Take2 and their lackeys are insulting their costumers right in their social media feed, that's what I meant with:
>All is forgiven
God forbid if Cuckstar are sending their useful retards everywhere defending their upcoming dud, Saints Row did it first.

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