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File: 1701895606540.jpg (274.12 KB, 990x1303, 990:1303, jewish-press.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Nexus Mods has deleted a mod that allowed players to change the gender and voice of one of Baldur's Gate 3's most popular minor characters, making one of the game's canon gay relationships heterosexual.

The now-deleted mod altered the angelic Dame Aylin, turning her into a man. It even used AI to alter the voicelines to make them sound more masculine. "A Reimagining of Nightsong. Meet Ser Aylin, a slightly more polite and male version of Dame Aylin," the mod's description read.


File: 1701898729558.mp4 (5.01 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1699801596439.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Modding is dead
Gaming is dead
Society is destroyed
Our meme magic was too powerful


>after players revolt
These are the same people who'll say if you don't like abortion don't get one.

Is there anywhere else you can get this mod? I'm not into modding, just curious.


Yes, it's on Based Mods like a lot of other banned mods.


File: 1701974419942-0.png (1.66 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ambWWnoemzTJwSaJG4s526.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1701974419942-1.png (1.32 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 52b891179488b790b6327c35a5….png) ImgOps iqdb

I love lesbian characters, they always lose to my cock on my modded playthroughs


>Banned mods
How can there be such a thing?
It sounds like by "banning" it, they are advertising the game.


>Did you know the game was actually for fags the whole time?
>Yeah, here's proof. They banned an anti-fag mod that completely changed the game because it was actually a fag game.

>Bro, did you hear there's finally an anti-fag mod for the game?

>yeah bro they banned it but you can like still get it and shit


There is no such thing as negative publicity and they know people will still put the mod up in other places. They will also use the fact that players are using the mod in the first place to say "see, our game's that good, even the chuds want to play it so bad they had to go that far"


>There is no such thing as negative publicity and they know people will still put the mod up in other places.
Larian doesn't run Nexus mods

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