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It's finally over…


If true, it had a good run. I remember playing COD4 in 2007/2008. It was one of the best times of my life but that is because I had actual irl friends back then and it was more like a social event. Only true OG oldfaggots know that MW2 was a shitty downgrade and normalization of COD4. I stopped playing during MW2 because it was so shit. Apparently it only got worse.


20 years too late.


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This. I don't think I played cod4 but got into MW2 because it was such a social event, and everybody in the clique was doing it. There were some fun aspects, but it died very fast.


I wonder how much of an influence the desocialization of youth via smartphones and social media has diminished the social effect of COD? Then you have the leftists who basically abolished the lobby chat because someone somewhere said nigger or pussy. I remember in 2007 and 2008 when smartphones did not exist and social media consisted of an already dead Myspace and Facebook, and that was it.


That's actually what killed society was censorship of epic magnitudes that neutered game spaces. Now all communication is relatively monopolized by social media, and everyone is afraid to speak. Also everyone has a video camera in their phone with immediate recording access in HD video and audio, so people can't even communicate in public or private anymore.


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kys normalnigger
You are the reason videogames became shit, it stopped being about the products and more about social standing and socialization.
Now you get streamers and multiplayer only shit made just for retards like you.


>enjoy COD4
>didn't like MW2 because of how it was already being homogenized
>I haven't played an online FPS besides Bad Company in 14 years
<I am the normalnigger
I understand what you are saying but you've really got the wrong guy.


Fuck off, nigger. Plenty of games back then spawned social gatherings. They were called lan parties and tournaments. MW2 was just a nominee for the last of a dying breed that happened to spark at the start of console audio headset play. They made the FPS games faddish with RPG grind elements that had inherent burnout. That's why games like Fortnite and CS (continue to) reign.


>I understand
You clearly don't, he's just being a stuffy retarded faggot looking for any excuse to stare down his nose at anonymous strangers like the vast majority of /v/eddit trash.


yeah, I hate /v/eddit faggots.
speaking of Bad Company, Activision gassed the servers yesterday.
BC was the last good online fps game.


Holy shit
Hopefully people make private servers
BC2 was the best fps game ever made


>They made the FPS games faddish with RPG grind elements that had inherent burnout.
>That's why games like Fortnite and CS (continue to) reign.
Uhhh Fortnite and CSGO both have battle passes


That's not really RPG though. RPG is you max out and fight the boss. BF and COD started adding levels and gear. Once you maxed out, there was nothing left to do except play, so a lot of people baited by the grind found nothing left to play for


That grinding system never went away. Companies just learned new psychological tricks to convince people to never stop grinding. Battle passes, daily logins, seasonal events etc. is all smoke and mirrors to make people feel they "have" to grind or they will miss out. The 7th gen era of level ups is quaint in comparison because at least it was all free, and in a couple months of playing you would have everything. Now multiplayer games are a neverending 24/7 where it is impossible to get everything in the game without being a massive whale, sinking all your free time into it, or both


I wouldn't label them the same thing. Sure it evolved into game passes, but to me game passes are a game on top of the normal game. If you enjoy it for the rewards, then I don't see a problem with that. There are some predatory systems embedded throughout, and I hope those die down. I hope microtransactions have peaked, but it's hard to say if they have or not.


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>I hope microtransactions have peaked, but it's hard to say if they have or not.
I rarely think about them anymore since if a game has microtransactions, chances are it's shit anyway. The last time I remember MTX in a game I actually wanted to play was Dead Space 3 and Shadow of War


Yup….the "live service" era.

For example, if you liked The Division 1, then you know what happened in Division 2. EPIC piss taking by Ubisoft.


I will say it makes no sense for console games to have battle passes since they are faddish by nature and not meant to last, and they'l get replaced either when the next gen drops or when the next sequel drops on the same gen.
If the game doesn't have enough content to stand on its own for that amount of time, then it doesn't need a battle pass.

If it's an older game that they want to maintain and continue to breath life into it, it can be a reasonable thing to help keep it alive.


I hope they pocket all your money retard, lol


I would never pay for a console battlepass, and there's extremely few I'd pay for pc. A soylant clock is right once a day, and that is it's like paying a sub to play the game that constantly gets updated.
I hate pay schemes, but the fact is that games have been immune to inflation somehow. Game costs still cost 60 dollars despite 60 dollars not being worth much anymore. I think games are more about farming your behavior habits than providing a service anyway.


AAA games now cost 70 dollars
And 60-70 dollars is a fuckton for a non necessary digital product with an expensive barrier of entry.


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Inflation is a hell of a drug.


Pokémon games used to cost $35. They now cost $126 and you still don't even get all the Pokémon.
>Base game $60
>Both DLC expansions $30
>one year Nintendo Online Membership $20
>one year Pokémon Home membership (needed for online trading and storage etc.) $16
Note that that's an extra $90 if you want the other version of the game too, because DLC only works for the version it was purchased for despite being completely the same.
So two versions used to $70, now it's $216, all for the same features they've always had.


Inflation is item-specific. It's not as simple as the dollar being worth less on everything.


>It's not as simple
Ok then why do movie tickets get more expensive


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>and you still don't even get all the Pokémon.
You never got all the pokemon. And can't you trade pokemon? That used to be the point of not including them all, to encourage trading.

If all the pokemon could have been easily captured on a single catridge I probably wouldn't have bothered collecting them all in my youth. It was a challenge that only dedicated fans could accomplish.


>Inflation is item-specific.
Get a load of this goy.


Inflation isn't a matter of supply and demand, dumbass. It is the devaluing of the currency which impacts every sector of commerce.
The bread and circus aspect of entertainment will always be affordable and based on the consumer's willingness to pay. Video games target people with no disposable income, so the prices have not drastically followed the rate of inflation. It's a psychological matter at play.


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>I hate pay schemes, but the fact is that games have been immune to inflation somehow. Game costs still cost 60 dollars despite 60 dollars not being worth much anymore. I think games are more about farming your behavior habits than providing a service anyway.
If only there were other ways for games to make more money… imagine using the same engine but with some new assets, and selling it as an "expansion" of sorts. You could even license the engine out to smaller studios so both studios could benefit. Imagine too if there was some way to offer tools for players to create their own content to increase the value of the game and have "custom servers" to host this content. It's a real shame that these crazy space age ideas could never work, I guess turning every game into a casino is the only choice AAA devs had…


Gotta keep that monopoly on your IP.


>Video games target people with no disposable income
Unless you do have disposable income, then you will be able to spend a lot more on video games. For me, I do have disposable income, but I wouldn't spend nearly as much on games as I do if there weren't sales and deals.


I meant originally they targeted kids.
Can you imagine if game prices matched inflation rates AND tried to target people with disposable incomes?


>Only true OG oldfaggots know that MW2 was a shitty downgrade and normalization of COD4. I stopped playing during MW2 because it was so shit.

for me it was that it was the same exact game as MW1. WaW got a pass because at least it changed thematically and was still really good. MW2 really disappointed in that I was hoping they'd bring back vehicles like in COD3 but alas, it took them to warzone (?) to finally add them back in and by then the damage was done.

I dipped my toes back in here and there and blops 3 was pretty fun, and advanced warfare was really cool with the jetpacks changing the gameplay dynamic but of course it's the one that cod kiddies seemed to hate


>basically abolished the lobby chat
damn I haven't thought about or seen a lobby in a multiplayer game in ages. Brings me back and makes me sad desu


>That grinding system never went away. Companies just learned new psychological tricks to convince people to never stop grinding. Battle passes, daily logins, seasonal events etc

or Prestige mode, since we're talking cod


Forgot about that garbage. I remember the word now, but I don't remember what it added.


heh. The point was when you get to max rank and unlock everything you can reset your progress to 0 and do it all over again for a different shiny badge next to your name

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