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It's over
It is beyond over




More like


I thought E3 died a few years ago.


Got covid canceled.
Now it's vaxxed death.


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The freemason video game expo is no more? Weeeird.


Don't care, it's not like I was ever going to get to go there.


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I feel like I should feel wistful and wax nostalgic or something but I guess I never really cared about E3, I learned to not to trust hype a long time ago spore, how you haunt me so….


I feel similarly, since it's not something I've cared about since like the late 2000s.


>Games take 4 years to develop.
>Let's have E3 every year.
It made no sense.


games come out every year dumb ass


That's what magazines are for.
Nobody cares about filler titles between the big projects. E3 basically killed all chances of there being a Half-Life 3.


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It stopped making sense because barely any new games come out and the new ones are all made by mid sized small developers who give 0 fucks about E3 and just go online.

E3 became a place to find updates about Live Service garbage and the newest COD and FIFA.
Fucking depressing.


Yeah if it were every 3 years, it would have been kino event with massive hype.
Why call it E3 unless it's some hidden freemasonry nonsense


>3 years
But that wouldn't change anything, it would just make it even less shit and more outdated.


more, had a stroke it seems


>make it even less shit and more outdated.
Yeah that's my point.
Fuck you. There's no taking back a Freudian slip.


Freud was a projecting faggot that imagined cigars were dicks and thought that his own mother's ass was mighty fine.


Tell me about your mother


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>Nobody cares about filler titles
Gaming needs more filler. Smaller cheaper games that don't take 6 years to mmake. I've had more fun with Prince of Persia than whatever other shit Ubisoft has put out recently


>He bought Nigger of Persia


lol. Broccoli cut soundcloud rapper protagonist aside, it's a good game


>got covid canceled
Thought BLM did that?


There was still an entire year of lockdowns and vaxx faggotry after the great nigger cry.


The virus and The Science™ agreed to a temporary truce to let BLM and Antifa destroy things and murder people.


I think the universal consensus is that Putin and the Ukraine war was what ended covid. Kinda nobody cared anymore once that hit, that became the new current thing. The powers that be are having a hell of a time trying to meme the Palestinian Penetration into the new current thing to replace the failing war in ukraine.


>zoomer needs basic shit from a couple years ago explained like it's ancient history


I really don't know what you're talking about anon


He's calling you a child so he can feel good jerking off into his own mouth.

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