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I'll start with Guilty Gear
>Super fast fighting game where every character is unique set in a tragic dark dystopian future with European influence
>Turned into casualized capeshit for trannies where every character plays the same
It hurts bros…


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>Inb4 thread reaches bump limit.


How did Carmaggedon get pozzed anon?


Didn't see any niggers in the last one, but there are nuns.
And dup


Mortal Kombat as well.


All of them. Probably literally.


What's wrong with nuns?
I guess that explains it

Mortal Kombat is just sad, fucking thing was pure cheese and exploitation and it's now just sterilized gore porn for redditors.

Nah, plenty of non pozzed shit out there.


Of all the things you can think to run over and kill, you add nuns? fuck off


I think the whole point is that it's trying to be edgy.


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Has "pozzed" been a universal term or has it evolved over time as the lowest common denominator grows red pilled?


What do you mean?


What if you thought a game was based, notice the new versions or sequels are pozzed, but then you go revisit the old one and realized it was pozzed back then but you didn't notice.


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"pozzed" is the /pol/troon version of "problematic"

When the complaints are so trivial that nobody cares, so you use vague weasel words to give it a negative association without having to actually explain why it's bad


Gonna go with nope on that one.
Pretty sure it's always been meant to define if something has a subversive jewish agenda to brainwashing the goyim.



That thread is embarrassing. The shills have no argument left other just than straight up admitting that the only reason they even pretend to like and support nugames is because they piss non-woke people off.


I haven't seen /trannypol/ here in awhile.


Not that it really matters, but /pol/ actually didn't even come up with it originally. My Posting Career was the first place I ever saw using it in that sense.


Who are you to deny /trannypol/ of their truth?


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GTAOnline was a mistake
It had nice waifus despite such janky games, they bent over to the ESG and made them ugly as shit
They're not even trying, it's all nostalgia faggotry
They used to make games?
>Blizzard, Midway, Namco, Square Enix
Should've died a long ago when they had some remaining dignity.


About half of them are swinging from the rafters of their mother's house.


Square Enix is already dead, they sold off all of their western studios and IP. Even Konami's future looks brighter


Resident Evil.


How? Haven't played any of the recent ones, I only know they made the females uglier.


All I know about the numakes is in 4 they made Ashleythe 20 year old sheltered rich girl a stronk independent who don't need no man and Leon a betacuck who apologizes for his white male privilegenot literally


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I've played RE2Make, RE3Make, 7 and 8 and they're all fine

>I only know they made the females uglier

Idk wtf people are smoking, Claire is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing. Jill also isn't ugly, they just made an odd choice for the face scan (but it isn't like Jill's appearance has ever been consistent)


They are uglier, retard. They basically made the skirt girl a troon.


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No they just look like real women from the face scans that they were taken of and not stylized like they were on older hardware. Just like 90% of the complaints about ugly women in games it's trannime fans throwing a tantrum because games now have the fidelity to render real looking women and there's no need for trannime sameface shit


This is some next level kikery.
Everybody knows they made them ugly. It wasn't a meme for no reason at heckin random.


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>It wasn't a meme for no reason at heckin random.
/v/ trashes every game without fail trying to make the next TORtanic happen, they do it for literally every game. I just showed you the models they scanned but you still rather believe 4chan bait over your own eyes

Least conditioned joosposter


The first one of them is objectively ugly. The second one isn't a good photo, obscured in darkness. The third one is ok, but she's uglier in game than she is right there.


>RE7 and REmake 2/3
>Not ugly
Nips complained to the point Capcom started redoing all their digital 3D models.
Americans are truly fucked in the brain, you see some 5/10 mutt and you think it looks pretty.

More meat for the ZOG I guess!


Were you samefagging saying they were pretty only to try and shit on "Americans" afterward? Very strange behavior.


It's only strange if you haven't cut your dick off yet.


>Idk wtf people are smoking, Claire is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing.
She looks like an octoroon right there.


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If they are so ugly why aren't you out banging models? Should be pretty easy? Are you all shrimpdicks or what?

>Nips complained to the point Capcom started redoing all their digital 3D models.

Who cares, probably trannime fans who can't even tell westerners apart. There's a reason Capcom is appealing to the west and not an island of mobile playing weebs


It has nothing to do with how we look, personally. We are consumers demanding higher-quality waifus in our media. These are not real women we are dating, so our appearance is irrelevant.



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