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Recommend me a game for this special kind of autism.


How do you combine automation and extraction shooter?


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It is also a roguelike strategy RPG. Pretty good for an early access game and half tempted to go buy the supporter bundle upgrade just so I can get flac files for the soundtrack since they are that good.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Sseth's review


What's the point? Managing your caloric intake?


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Fuck me, tvch is buggy as ever

Manage calories, health, inventory space, equipment durability, and ammunition as you navigate maps and complete missions. Completing missions advances your standing with a particular corporation and allows access to high tier items in their tech trees. There are no narrative missions yet outside of the tutorial but they on the roadmap to be added soon, and will add a lot of depth to the game beyond the very additive gameplay loop that it has right now.

The next patch drops in two days


My biggest cause of death in this game is overextending. I usually die because I either got a chip or completed the objective but overextend myself scavenging just a little bit more and end up dying. It's a very high risk, high reward kind of game so you end up taking risks you really shouldn't because you get over confident in your gear and build.


I just want to pick up and play, not read scrolling text and then do shitty starter missions.


So just pick up and play. You don't have to do the tutorial missions, you can just skip them. There are two tutorial missions and they are just non-randomized easy mode missions to familiarize yourself with the different functions and elements of gameplay.

Considering the game isn't even 25% complete according to the devs I would hold off all together if you have any qualms. The last major update patch fundamentally changed gameplay so that your old save file was no longer compatible. All my AnCom, SBN, and RealWare faction ranking was lost along with my complete set of character, class, and item chips.

And in the last mission I completed Franche-Comte PS was destroyed since I was neglecting them, so I am probably going to restart right now and baby sit them since they are incredibly weak and retarded. My dream is to max out faction rank for everyone but Tezctlan.


>The last major update patch fundamentally changed gameplay
This is why I hate early access.


It looks decent except for how morbid it is. I can understand killing things, but why resort to cannibalism, and why would this combat technician be concerned with creating canned food?


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Item drops can be really uneven and your caloric expenditure can vary wildly depending on how you move, how much load you are carrying, or status effects.

Cannibalism is something you really don't want to have to rely on most of the time. Eating raw meat can cause infections in all but one playable character, and unless you are on Mars or its moons eating any cooked meat is going to going to cause your q-morphosis phase to skyrocket. So using ovens and fabrication stations to turn raw meat into cooked meat and then canned food is the only way to use it without incurring massive penalties. As hard as safe food can be to find sometimes, finding cigarettes to lower your phase is a lot harder. Alcohol and heroin can be used to control your q-morphosis, but come with significant drawbacks such as addiction and intoxication.

It is kind of funny that the one nigger playable character in the game is only character that can eat raw human meat with no major drawbacks.

Anyways started a new game and already unlocked the Phoenix Brigade class, found a set of Impactor Armor, and got a flamethrower. Hopefully I will find a chip for pyro ammo soon since the flamethrower is a massive fuel hog which hampers how efficient Percy is. Also I need a better plate carrier/magvest. If I can raise my fire resist one more point Percy will be completely immune to fire and I can just burn everything to the ground.

The game is seriously fun, and if you are interested in it you should wishlist it so you won't forget by the time it comes out of early access.


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AKA scam game where the lazy indie dev doesn't have to balance anything and can recycle the same handful of assets instead of making a real game with a beginning, middle and end


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It's a great concept, but I haven't seen it utilized well yet. Devs get so reliant on it for their level design that it's just boring. Great for mini-games, but not an overall game.


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>It's a great concept, but I haven't seen it utilized well yet.
FTL. Fuel, scrap, oxygen, shields, power, crew, basically everything in the game is dynamic so it really benefits from being random. Unlike the average roguelike which is just a shit game where you get room layout A or room layout B


No no, I mean't the AI generated level design and mob spawn.
I love FTL. Extremely good game.


I would say this needs to be a real UI on Steam to be able to find games, but it would still be filled with liquid shit amounts of indie games.


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The best game I have played in years was an indie title developed by one man that I randomly bought while drunk one night. It's a weird JRPG/Platformer hybrid and one of the most open ended games I have ever played. There are no random encounters and no linear path to the end game. The entire game is completely open ended and the only thing holding you back are the mounts required to make specific jumps. If you are clever, and good at avoiding enemies on the overworld, you can snag most mounts within a half an hour of starting the game and open up the entire world.


>Nigger NPC



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>Ware da yite wimen at


Anon are you okay?


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Recommend me something for my survival autism. Is the RE4 remake worth it or no?


How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition

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