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File: 1703119396222.jpg (85.34 KB, 474x711, 2:3, Heavenly Sword.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


How did we go from this…..


File: 1703119411012.jpg (102.89 KB, 1600x842, 800:421, Senuas Saga.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

…to this?


You wanna give any context to what the fuck you're talking about anon? Or like why these two things are related?


Same developer, Ninja Theory


Jews infesting vidya developing with women, niggers and troons.


File: 1703166797992-0.jpg (94.7 KB, 780x438, 130:73, melina-juergens-as-senua-i….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1703166797992-1.jpeg (390.28 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, PAb9UeU.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

You mean how did they improve?


How did they make her a thousand times uglier in game?


File: 1703175610955.jpg (218.2 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, hellblade-melina-juergens-….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Senua is a celtic schizo from the dark ages, no shit the character does not look like her real life counterpart dolled up in 21st century makeup




>So we took this gorgeous woman and made her ugly because canonically, white women were uglier back then which is why the jews don't actually hate them. Nor have they plotted against them. If you'll kindly remember the 6 gorillian jews that died, it's proof that they're the real victims.
That's what I hear when I see that image.


File: 1703193455384.mp4 (1.63 MB, 144x176, 9:11, flushed.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>are those jews in the room with us right now?
unironically yes, you're at the very least a jew adjacent faggot lmao


File: 1703349395072.mp4 (1.63 MB, 144x176, 9:11, flushed.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

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