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File: 1703261599695.webm (3.8 MB, 800x450, 16:9, codspeedrun.webm) ImgOps iqdb


H-he's fast!


He's really into being called a nigger.
I guess what else is there to do if you are one


He's got a sense of humor about it at least. It gets old seeing them throw the same tantrums all the fucking time.




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Man, I miss the early 2000s
Shit like this was the norm instead of being banned and scrubbed from everywhere even when censored.
No wonder racism keeps growing, people are getting more violent and kids are going insane, people are way more bottled up and repressed than back then due to all corporate kikes and numale soys limiting what they can do, say and even think.

And the 2000s was already filled with that shit and people knew they were in a declining society, except the internet wasn't fucked so there was an escape, a way to vent.


The 2000s is literally Heaven on Earth compared to today.


I think what's happening is the media (games, news, tv, movies, commercials, and internet shows) are continuing to show non-whites as based angels which is quickly being revealed in the opposite direction to be false with pics and vids being shared across social media and other web platforms. It's like the falseness of the media is intentionally unreal on purpose to break from reality to make people break down from the shock when the delusions are dispelled by reality.


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You kids have no idea what it was like to be 21 years old in 1999. I see endless amount of zoomer pining for it, I see millennials try to decontextualize as a cope but, as an Xer, I am incapable of describing it in a way that would make sense to younger generation.

In one word is was "Freedom." Not free to do anything you want, but free to think and feel as you like wanted without the ever present foot of the government and corporations on your throat. A massive part of why I avoid the internet now as opposed to when I was constantly posting on 2017 8/tv/ is because even here, in the backwoods of the internet, you are not free. tvch doesn't even need to have dedicated glowies, since its own userbase is so polarized into the left/right false dichotomy that you have subconsciously placed yourself in the ingroup/outgroup mindset.

There is no US versus THEM. There is just a lot of lonely confused people desperately trying to grab onto any meaning they can find in this completely fucked up world. The people that rule over you manipulate you because those feelings are so raw and so real you can't cover them up and hide them away no matter how many layer of irony you slather on.

The Internet is just words words words to fill up the void created by a corrupt and evil system. A system created by jews to distract everyone away from jews and force them to fight amongst themselves so they won't notice the jews.

I am tired bros. I am very old and have been trying to argue against this shitshow that the world has become for longer than some of you have been alive. I got nothing left in the tank. I think this is going to be my last post on the internet. I love you guys, some of you are brilliant and creative far beyond this little walled garden you chose to live in, but I love the fact you stayed here and didn't try to monetize it. Some of you are also very very retarded, but it is what it is.

Gahoole, you are my favorite person on the internet. You are serious, you are silly, but most importantly you are real. You know what is going on with the world and you face that horror with a level of courage I never could. Please don't ever change. The world is filled with skinwalking faggots and seeing a real one like you after all these years is mind blowing. I didn't trust you at first but year after year, stream after stream, and most especially during that dumb DnD game I saw you for the man you are. Walking the road you are walking is painful and lonely. No one will ever acknowledge it and if you try to talk about it they will mock you. Ignore them, you are unironically a better man then the naysayers will ever be. I love you bro, in a completely non-sexual way, you are the son I always wished I had.

Goodbye internet, and since I won't see you tomorrow have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night.


Wahhhh wahhh wahhh. Get a job


Thanks for the pasta oldfag bro


heroic post


image looks like DunkSidePhil


Pretty sure back in your day there were lots of punished wrong thinkers, TV mediums were already shackled and everything that was sold as the new black was heavily sterelized (MTV for example)


Jackass was on live television nigger.
Jewtube is more censored and cucked than fucking prime time TV.


The point of Jackass was to influence young millennial children to make poor decisions and imitate the things they did on that show, so they would get maimed or arrested.


Quit noticing goyim! It's just a coincidence that the people doing all the stupid things were white men!


Faggot ass shitpost.


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The point of Jackass was laughing at guys at the bottom of the showbiz with obvious psychological issues doing dumbshit.
If you ever wanted to do the shit these guys do for a living you're either as fucked in the head as they are or a a dumbass in need of natural selection.
>Notice how they're all white
Because their parents are rich and got them connected and if burgermutts want to see niggers doing dumb shit all they need to do is look outside their window


>If you ever wanted to do the shit these guys do for a living you're either as fucked in the head as they are or a a dumbass in need of natural selection.
We're talking about children. They imitate what they see. This is how we learn, and jews are wielding their power and influence to teach kids the wrong way. If a curious child climbs into the baboon enclosure at the zoo and gets killed, that's not "natural selection". That's a failure of society to protect its young.

The same media kikes who promote miscegenation and drug use among kids make shows like Jackass specifically to subvert naive and impressionable goy children to make destructive decisions.


Incidentally, it took a jew to get Jackass taken off the air.

>After another teenager suffered burns imitating the "Human Barbeque" stunt (according to the New York Times), Joe Lieberman, the junior senator from the boy's home state of Connecticut, publicly called out MTV to get control of its increasingly controversial stunt show. "It is irresponsible for MTV to air these kinds of stunts on a program clearly popular with young teens. I recognize the program is rated for adults and comes with general disclaimers, but there are some things that are so potentially dangerous and inciting, particularly to vulnerable children, that they should not be put on TV," he said in a statement according to Entertainment Weekly, calling on the network to cancel or more heavily edit "Jackass," or move it to a late time slot less accessible to young people.

>Combined with the threat of lawsuits, the attention from a prominent senator (Lieberman ran for vice president in 2000) was enough for MTV to respond. The network went quiet on "Jackass," and "pulled back on promoting the show," according to producer Spike Jonze in Maxim.



>Think of the children
kys retard, Three Stooges and Tom and Jerry are too hardcore for the likes of you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Why the fuck Johnny Knoxville wanted to be taken seriously? The same retard who shredded his urinary system with a bike stunt in the middle of the desert now wants you police your wording.


Almost like Johnny got paid and Americans get rich out of victimizing themselves.


Trained monkeys being trained monkeys, they can't speak for themselves or else. James Woods, Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen were on the chopping block because of that.


>Americans get rich out of victimizing themselves
Weird way to spell 'jews.'


Yes, the Jew owned nation acts like the jew.
Who would have though!


Calm down eurocuck. It's not Americans' fault you have to listen to your wife having sex with refugees out in the unheated cuckshed.


File: 1705272702772.jpg (139.9 KB, 955x1024, 955:1024, American mutts btfo'd.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Here is your (You)


European nations are satelite states of the USA and also jew owned you dumbass burger.
The fact that this victimization shit is hitting Europe hard while the politicians with direct ties to USA companies and politicians push for multiculturalism aka nigger and muslims invading en mass, should be telling.

Fucking Europe, the place with almost a hundred states with a shitton of cultures and ethnicities inside it.


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yum yum americum


European tastes have changed a lot since this was made. Now they prefer the cum of Sub-Saharan Africans.


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>The american crowd


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Yup, and zoomers are even worse. Each of the recent generations has been worse than the last, and we will live to see unfathomable horrors beyond our worst nightmares.


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>Cuckchan filename
Lmao,sunset yourself. Or at least to go the Church and search for Jesus's Light.


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Why are you butthurt over "zoomer"? Does Generation Z not exist now?
>Cuckchan filename
I don't post on 4chan and don't care about where the filename came from.


>t. zoomer clearly too young to have used 8chan
Those "cuckchan filenames" would generate when you dl'd an image by clicking on it.


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That timestamp is from 2022 you retarded newfag.


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>The Mannie fresh voice pitch
>The cunny emojis
>The unc that rhymes with dunk
So many layers to this…


Look closely at the last two emojis

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