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>In separate interviews with Motherboard and Kotaku, the developers at Nightmare Forge Games, who declined to reveal their identities "for the sake of maintaining privacy," claimed that the references to "88" - a common Neo-Nazi dogwhistle - were unintentional. The developers also responded to claims of asset flipping and AI-generated voices, which have been in the news recently amid controversies like The Day Before.

>"Our game is set in the 1980s, with the year 1988 being chosen simply for its symmetrical design in our game's artwork," a developer spokesperson told Kotaku. "Therefore, the 88 strictly represents the year 1988; no additional connotations are intended. We are in the process of revising this artwork to clarify the abbreviation, as shown in the image below. Should there still be concerns, we're open to changing the game's name."


They already cucked, they dropped the 88 from the title within 24 hours after the game was announced.


I moved to my town in '88, my first car was an '88, when I tell people these, I can't help but wonder if they will think I'm a neo-Nazi lel.


The people who run these things are just retarded. You can get banned from Facebook for shitting on Nazis because the pajeets behind the bans have a shoot on sight policy and don't care about context, they just look for no-no words. Funnily enough, woke retards who got banhammered because of it have been saying the reason they got thrown to FB jail is because Zuckerberg doesn't want them shittalking Nazis lmao.


Cucks always choose the dumbest option. Now no one is going to buy your game. The left never forgives you and the right will rightly disrespect you.
Don't be a cuck.


I suppose some natsoc kiddies will still buy the game out of respect for what they initially tried to do with the name, because let's face it, it is a dogwhistle. Hitler liked Disney and Mickey Mouse, and was trying to clean Germany of an infestation.


>Now no one is going to buy your game
Bro it's for 10 year olds and streamers, if you think anybody cares about this "controversy" you need to get off discord


>I suppose some natsoc kiddies will still buy the game
I you purposely gay or just accidentally


stupid nigger


You guys are marks. "Cucking" markets the game that otherwise wouldn't have been heard from by anybody, and the red pill has been delivered, so mission accomplished.


I mean it seems like a shitty, low quality game meant to serve no other purpose than this.


You are as mentally broken as the people attacking this game if you think the number 88 in any context means it's a nazi dogwhistle. It was clearly meant to be the year 1988


kekky mcfuck
Killing rats and the jews' favorite mouse is subtle beyond notice, but 88 is the dog whistle


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liberal bitch cums


These people must have a real hard time in life. 14 is apparently a Nazi dogwhistle too and that one's low enough to come up pretty often. Maybe that's why they're all pedophiles. As soon as someone turns 14 they become a Nazi and the soys don't want to be with a Nazi.


Is it worth mentioning the other rat game where a gangster rat is killing his fellow rat kind in a Fleischer styled cartoon?


Everyone is a pedo, it's just jews who get away with it more often than not because they control the government.


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