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File: 1704832579440.mp4 (4.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, druckmann.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>A single camera flash




Now this manlet is the one that made The Trans of They/Them 2, right?


In his mind he's the coolest guy there.


He probably views being a cool guy as a patriarchal system that oppresses wymin, minorities and betacucks like him. He's probably fantasizing about getting backdoored by giant manly troons.


He did fuck over the girl behind Uncharted.


Which makes his 'male ally' shit funnier.


Amy Hennig got poached to work on Visceral's canned Star Wars game, as far as I remember Druck had nothing to do with it


Druckmann pushed her out just like he pushed out Bruce Straley.


Yes, yes he was. He pulled off a scam and how many countless retards fell for it.


The paparazzi have spoken.


I don't care about Papa Razzi ever since he started drinking.


I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a fag.


If he wasn't such a fag he wouldn't be in that situation.


Indeed. He made one video game series and milked it into remakes and a TV show that retards keep giving him praise for.


Imagine a world without Reddit, Last of Us would've flopped and Druckmann would've become the new Phil Fish getting shit on by wrong-thinkers to the point on demolishing the nostalgiafaggotry spawned from his days working at Crash Bandicoot (an even more retarded Sonic wannabe mascot trying to compete against BingBingWahoo)


Polite sage because fuck Naughty Dog.

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