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File: 1705356484217.jpg (318.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Armored-Core-VI-Fires-of-R….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>Boot up this game
>You just fly around and spam fire at enemies while strafing
>The missions are all sandboxes, just fly from one point to the next, short missions too
>First boss was shit and needed no skill, just rushed it and used everything not on cooldown
>Second boss was a gimmick boss with one beam attack
>Third boss same as the first, rush and spam attacks

THIS is the series people were begging to return? Am I missing something?


>Am I missing something?
Robot customization.


>OP playing post boss nerfs


>OP playing post boss nerfs
No, this is version 1.1.


This franchise represents modern gaming to me and the reason I didn't buy this gen of consoles. Something that should be amazing is merely bare minimum mediocre. There hasn't been a hyped game for 10 years where everyone had to own it.


>10 years
Make that 20 you shit taste fag


It was a random number.


File: 1706316633145-0.jpg (1.15 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, greedfall.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1706316633145-1.jpg (803.52 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ghostrunner2.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>There hasn't been a hyped game for 10 years where everyone had to own it
As a double A enjoyer, I will say hype is worthless, some of the best games I've played in recent years were mid-budget games that were released with no fanfare (pic related). If you only listened to games journalists you would think that the only games are $300 million blockbusters and pixel indie rogueshit games


The older games are vastly different.
>actually fast move speed
>no lock on so you have to aim and learn movement
>actual long range weapons
>no retarded sekiro poise meter
Miyazaki can only make Dark Souls and that's what he turned AC into.


>no lock on
Older AC games did have lock on though. Albeit quite a bit different then the typical 3rd person action game type that soulsbornering games use.


Is this good or what
don't fuck with me


loved the ps1 games


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File: 1706519899246-1.jpg (1.25 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 2144740_screenshots_202401….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Which one?

>Greedfall (left)

Mass Effect style RPG in a fictional colonial world, easy to break the game with certain builds but otherwise kino

>Ghostrunner 2 (right)

Mirror's Edge with a katana and motorbike, you can parry bullets and do other stylish stuff like that


Oh they're first person games? I thought it was some ~2d side scroller. That's what they should look like anyway.


Greedfall is 3rd person
Ghostrunner is 1st person


Greedfall is one of those strange 7/10 games that basically no one cared about but when you actually do try it, it turns out to be quite addictive. It also helps that because it wasn't that popular, barely any woke retards even tried to latch on to it.


File: 1707079498616.jpg (1.78 MB, 3000x1588, 750:397, ss_33fa4e129f08114b1d05ce8….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Greedfall is one of those strange 7/10 games that basically no one cared about but when you actually do try it, it turns out to be quite addictive. It also helps that because it wasn't that popular, barely any woke retards even tried to latch on to it.
I've enjoyed all of Spiders games, even the jank ones, the Bioware action RPG formula is so good and they are the only devs who have tried to copy it 1:1. To me Spiders is the new Bioware, I still hope ME5/Dreadwolf are good, but I have much higher expectations of Greedfall 2 at this point


Mormon Shaggy said it's the GOTY of 2023 and he was right, as always. Total Shaggy W.


literally who


A nobody youtuber that will troon out in a year or so. Probably.

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