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Just when you think a dead rotting corpse being raped for years couldn't get any worse, it keeps getting worse.


And the game is about going through rotten places.


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>Remake needs some polish but otherwise competent and faithful
>Mainline game that is actually doing something new
>Decent looking side games

I'm unconvinced if anything good will come of it, but at the moment it's definitely not worse than 2007-2012 Silent Hill


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>Remake needs some polish but otherwise competent and faithful


Get out of here, Tomm.


>In development for PS5
Does that mean it's an exclusive for the very few it has or will it come to PC?


>it was so poorly received they took it down


I told everyone: "Let Silent Hill dead, the remake and any new shit will be awful". But nope, the nostalgic soyboys always want more! More remakes! More new games which will be pozzed!

Enjoy the slop.


Yes we know, everything was good when you were 12 but now you are an adult everything is "slop" and "poz" and this has nothing to do with you being a cynical fat loser


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>t. obese tranny


I've recently played a lot of games from 2010 and earlier. They are all better than modern games.
You can see the difference especially clearly when comparing games withing franchises; Pokemon is worse, fallout is worse, etc.


>I've recently played a lot of games from 2010 and earlier. They are all better than modern games.
Because those are the games that have stood the test of time, for every one of those games there was a bunch of mediocre and shit ones in the same year. People complaining about all new games being shit are just whiners, even if you are the biggest NEET shut-in ever you will die before you run out of good games




>for every one of those games there was a bunch of mediocre and shit ones in the same year.
Even the mediocre shit of back then was better than the popular highly acclaimed ones of today.

It's the same with movies


Zoomer developers just don't have it in them to make games. Sure, they have better hardware to work with. But what do they do with this unlimited power? They make the characters ugly. They self-insert gays and troons. They give the women tattoos. They don't have the same spark of idealism, they are more adept at creating a mirror image of pozzed society.


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AAAshit is all terrible, the pipelines are fucked and the companies are bloated with low wage incompetent fucks looking for an easy paycheck and nepotistic has been 50 year olds.

These companies grew too big too fast chasing low term profits during 7th Gen so now you get this shit.
At least the middle market is finally healthy so we get ludokino like Robocop: Rogue City


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>At least the middle market is finally healthy so we get ludokino like Robocop: Rogue City
Based double A enjoyer


That looks like cancer. Fuck you.


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It's over


First one might be a fun Automata clone. The other two look gay and niggered.

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