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Xbox and Playstation are dead, PC and Nintendo won


>Nintendo won
[laughs in palworld]


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Alright, PC won
Dab on consolecucks thread


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The OG xbox is the best console ever made, deal with it nerds everything microshit's done since has been awful


famous last words


>He's heard the term "Playstation Nation" in recent years or since ~2000.
You're a fookin' liar.


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Wouldn't be surprised if that guy ended up being a janny for /v/, purging anyone criticizing the good word of BingBingWahoo.


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Daily reminder that Switch is on track to usurp PS2 as the best-selling console of all time this year. Switch will accomplish this in a little over half the time PS2s were being made. The Big N won.


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PC and Nintendo killed Playstation and Xbox.

It's ogre


acoustic ppl love nintendo and buy one of each iteration of the system and each game, over and over again. it's like mel gibson in that conspiracy movie buying salinger to feel normal.
trust me bro, i seen't it (worked games retail for years)


That's true for Playstation and Xbox fags too though.
The most played games are FIFA and COD.


Nice try but he wasn't talking about normalfags.


you missed my point. the switch has how many hardware iterations and colors/prints? and the exact same game out multiple times not just a new one each year. the DS and its revisions/iterations were the worst. acoustically guitarded folks needed every "special" edition even tho it was the same color but had a decal on it or was a lighter hue of blue etc.


I don't think many people are "collecting" extra Switches just for the different colors. They're buying extra Switches for their family members. I've bought one for myself and 2 for my nieces already.


>Nintendo created an even bigger cult following.
Adjusted for inflation, Switch is 3x more expensive than the PS2 was.


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What are you on about?


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>Muh sales
The shitch sold a ton, doesn't change the fact it has mountains of shovelware, has a library of mostly ports remasters and remakes, has the absolute worst 3D Mario and Zelda to date, and nearly every game that is worth playing was developed by a second party western studio


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>He thinks the PS2 was 4 player.


>Steam also has shovelware
They won too though.


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>has the absolute worst 3D Mario and Zelda to date
What are you on about?


they probably aren't the absolute worst, but I think he still has a point since relatively speaking they do suck compared to older entries
the Wii U entries (BOTW and 3D World) are the only games in those franchises I can think of that are worse


They're both boring sandbox games full of tedious busywork. Unlike other sandbox games, you can't even ignore the side content and enjoy the main story because there is none. They have high scores because tendies are cult that can't accept that Nintendo sometimes makes mediocre or bad games


>Trusting doctrinated critics
The biggest turn off in Mario Odyssey is that it requires you to use the defective controls, they didn't bother to configure it with the USB pro controller or any third-party controller that doesn't have the retarded tilt feature, softlocking the game.


>They're both boring sandbox games
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>tedious busywork
You can say that about just about any game of any length.
>They have high scores because tendies are cult that can't accept that Nintendo sometimes makes mediocre or bad games
These are critics' reviews. Nintendo does sometimes put out slop, but TOTK and Odyssey aren't slop, and are far from the "worst games of the franchises."


I don't buy this concept of if you like Mario, you have to play every game mario is in.


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>Play the Mario game even if it's ass
That's my main issue whenever a franchise has gotten too big to do any wrong, so easy and effortless: It pays on its own. I think even other corporations have opted to do that:
>Valve had to slap a tag from one of their franchises on those VR games just to see if they sell
>Capcom/Konami/SquareEnix might find an alternative paths outside of videogames if they decide to go with the licensing products (I've seen so much plastic crap with Street Fighter, with the old designs not the new shit that is the sixth one)
They're all has beens, but the nostalgia is going stronger than ever.


Who is this manchild?


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>You can say that about just about any game of any length.
Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are 100+ hour games and didn't bore me for a second, I put Snooze of the Wild down after a couple of hours


I did not play either of those games because of snooze of the wild.


>Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077
Both cancer. kys.


i'm the one who sold these products, it happens WAY more than you know or want to believe


You should drop everything and play them, some of the best games of the past decade

Let me guess, they are popular so they are bad?


>mommy I am le baiting XDXD


Funny how when you see an opinion that is not 100% in line with imageboard consensus, you have a meltdown. You probably haven't even played them but you have been told that you shouldn't enjoy them so you just agreed like a drone


le astroturf XD


>i enjoy eating shit, but not this slightly different shit
Good to know.




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No, they're shit so they're shit
Imagine defending color coded loot


What's the issue with it?


>RNG trash collection
>Same weapon of the same tier have different stats for no reason
>Optimizing your build and organizing your inventory becomes a chore
It's shit, fuck Memelands for starting this shit trend on non Diablo clones.


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It's irrelevant in both games
In Witcher 3 there is no reason to use anything but Witcher Gear which have set stats and are in fixed locations
In Cyberpunk there is no reason to use anything but Iconics which have set stats and are in fixed locations

You are right that gear score has ruined a lot of games but they aren't among them


>i-it doesn't matter because legendaries exist
So exactly the same as every other game that uses color coded RNG trash equipment systems.


Iconic/Witcher gear is fixed, there is no variation in stats and you can only get them once in one location. There is literally no reason to farm gear or engage in build autism, these are story focused RPGs. Maybe play them for 10 minutes before deciding in your mind that they are looter shooters


>just eat a little shit i promise you'll like it
No thanks. You can eat it all, I don't want any.


>Just ignore it
No, fuckoff


I guess the excellent writing, gameplay, visual design etc. never happened because there are four colors instead of one color. CDPR will never recover


>the excellent writing, gameplay
el oh el


If those games came out in 1995 you would be saying how amazing they are and how they don't make games like that any more. Old good, new bad




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Top is still in the game and sex freaks are appropriate for a cyberpunk setting so what's your point


>Top is still in the game
Lies as easily as he breaths.


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She shows up to a cyberpsycho attack in the city center


>looks completely different
>was a criminal in the trailer
<i-it's the same character
Sure buddy.


The trailer is her getting arrested and recruited to MaxTac retard


$20 says there's nothing in the gayme that says that.



>fandom wiki


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Still haven't shown where it's actually said, 41%er.


>She's still in the game
The whole point is that the art design in the 2011 trailer looks completely different from the final shit game which is just GTAV with future gadgets.


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I don't agree, the game nails the cyberpunk look and city center looks exactly like the trailer. They could've made it look just like bladerunner to appease people but they stayed true to the look and feel of the tabletop and it's better for it


It was a good game. Fuck you.



/v/edditors can write essays about how games are all shit and everything's over forever and boo hoo hoo, but when you point to example of good recent games they clam up and give stock responses


>robottranny gayme gud
>if it were made a hundred years ago you'd love it
>something about weeb games
Odd to cry about 'stock responses' when you do the same.


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Uhhh nobody mentioned weeb games but thanks for outing yourself


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>Including Rhino, Sasquatch and Maman Brigitte who are meant to be ugly gangsters
>Including T-Bug, Misty and Meredith who all look good in-game
>Including Rachel after she got kidnapped
>Bunch of random background NPCs
>No Panam or Judy (the Triss/Yen of the game)
>No Songbird, Alt, Rogue, Hanako, Aurore, Evelyn etc.

Maximum cherrypicking, has to be bait


Are these supposed to be the good-looking ones?


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Okay pencildick


Ready for BWC


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You know it, I made sure to romance her so my V could hit that until he dies but not before modding my game to fuck Judy straight with my male V

Kino game, if Songbird had a romance too it would be perfect


LOL It all makes sense now. You just like this slop because it's a girlfriend simulator and people pointing out the game is shit is insulting your digital girlfriend in your mind.


I didn't bring up women in the game… not my fault you keep jumping around trying to latch onto anything about the game because you've never played and are reflexively hating it because e-celebs and discord told you to


Is the shitstained redditor unable to fuck off? Does he come here just to cry and get triggered?


I'm kind of thinking it just someone pretending to be retarded. You'd think a redditroon would have long since ran back to his hugbox after seeing not everyone shares his love of tranny gaymes.

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