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File: 1709140228508-0.png (215.88 KB, 664x360, 83:45, Screenshot from 2024-02-28….png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1709140228508-1.png (310.59 KB, 522x701, 522:701, Screenshot from 2024-02-28….png) ImgOps iqdb



>sold for $288,000 at an auction.
Neat. I got a copy that plays on my PC for free.


Imagine giving money to someone for videogames, lol


Some people have too much money to spend.


>paying money
>for video games

>literally giving people money for bing bing wahoos

>that you can get online for free

for what purpose?


Same reason rich women collect jewelry. The game is not gonna be fully functional, the battery will be depleted at the very least, but it's not meant to be opened or played. It's just an expensive trinket some richfag will display in a case. Then, he will pass it down in his family, and who knows what it will be worth in another 40 years.


>take one of the most common NES games
>put it in a plastic thing
>claim it's "rare"
There are probably piles of these sitting unsold and forgotten in warehouses.


You can clearly see the NES game box is shrinkwrapped inside the plastic protective case.

If copies of this game unopened weren't rare, they wouldn't be selling at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Even more retarded are the misplaced titles, fucking SMB3 got a rare variant because of the "bros" placement and that is it.


File: 1709355739900.png (430.75 KB, 661x373, 661:373, Screenshot from 2024-03-02….png) ImgOps iqdb

I remember when I got my shiny gold copy of TLoZ. I traded some other game for it with a boy from church. I hadn't played it yet, and he told me it was a lot of fun, but he was done with it. I was 6 or 7 so it was a challenge. I called the Nintendo hint line once.

Adventure of Link was a different beast. I never owned it for NES, and it was too hard to beat on a rental. I didn't beat it until I was an adult and had it on GameCube.


And the money isn't even theirs.


They sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars not because they are rare, but because retards thinking they can scalp them further think they are. These things are objectively worthless outside of nostalgia shit and collector bragging rights. Nobody buys these other than the aforementioned bunch of people and they are also the ones most guilty for keeping the artificial scarcity alive.


There was a doc on this a while back pointing out how kikes got involved to create a fake market for investors to buy into expensive games together in hopes that they'll appreciate and sell eventually for more. Kikes even created a fake ratings institution to inflate the price of collectables.


I didn't beat either of them as a kid. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know if I ever beat any Zelda game until I was an adult.

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