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What are some actually good PC games from the 90s or super early 2000s?
I played many of them, but I suspect there's still plenty out there that I didn't have the time to play through or even money to buy back then.


Download a newer Quake 2 engine and get the data files from here


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Do Quake games have campaigns?


Fallout 1+2
First 3 Rollercoaster Tycoons
Age of Empires 2
Age of Mythology
The Humongous Entertainment Junior Adventure series (don't be fooled by their appearance, these are some of the greatest point n' clicks ever made, the creator of Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island considers Pajama Sam 1 to be the best game he ever worked on)
these are the ones that immediately come to mind as must plays, there are much more I know I'm forgetting or having played enough of to say for certain


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The first Quake is just like a Doom game with every level having a beginning and end with no connection between them. Quake 2 changed that with mission objectives, interconnected maps and item inventory. It has some of the best level design for single player I've seen in a FPS but the environment looks so similar that you might have trouble finding your way around to deal with objectives if you're used to modern games.

There are additional mission packs for Quake 2 that can be considered campaigns(they're included in the link above) but they aren't great. Don't bother with the newer remaster as it changes way too much weakening the enemies in several ways and making player weapons more powerful.


Played 2
Hate those games lol
Original doom? Never played it somehow. I mean I played the first level a few times.
Of course played AoE2 and AoM. Love AoM
No idea what those are. Heard of Monkey Island of course.


Never liked RCT3, RCT1 was fucking kino and is unironically probably the best game of all time and RCT2 isn't as good of a game but is a much better, like, simulator


A way for finding good games from that era is to focus on the ones that have fully functional engine reimplementations. The original game was good enough that decades later people are still keeping it alive with a newer engine to smooth out the rough edges and expand it with content instead of just layering on more patches or script extenders to make it playable on modern computers. Here's a few from my bookmarks


This is cool. I've seen it happening with an old favorite of mine.
Sadly I have no idea how to get most of them working.


>ones that immediately come to mind as must plays
Not looking for "must plays" necessarily.
I'm thinking about getting back into Arx Fatalis. I never completed the campaign, got distracted by some gambling table. Maybe that title is a must play. I'm just looking for obscure titles.


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Starship Troopers Terran Ascendancy


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Have you tried Unreal Tournament or the Heroes of Might and Magic games? Those are big ones I remember from back then that I never really played until the past few years.
>The Humongous Entertainment Junior Adventure series (don't be fooled by their appearance, these are some of the greatest point n' clicks ever made, the creator of Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island considers Pajama Sam 1 to be the best game he ever worked on)
They're easy but definitely fun. I had Spy Fox in Dry Cereal as a kid and am most partial to that one would play the demos of the other games that were included with it.
Yup, those are really what I'm into as far as today's games are concerned. Here are some more:
I like Z and remember this one being good, but I don't think it's being updated anymore:
OpenRA is one I've been following for a long time, but I've read some complaints about the direction it's taken over the years and think its best days might be behind it:
Maybe if they ever actually finish Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 then the projects might bring in more people willing to straighten things out and possibly create more authentic forks. From what I recall years ago, the way the devs have been managing things has driven people away.

The Wargus versions of the classic WarCraft games have been really rough in the past, but it looks like they're finally starting to come along:
The Stargus project was abandoned in pre-alpha years ago, but supposedly work is going to start back up again.

Here are ones that could be worth watching in the long term but aren't playable yet:

By the way, what advantages does Freeablo offer over Devilutionx?


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C&C never dies


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Even with the way the series declined, it'll always live on in my heart. The DOS version of the original game was one of the first computer games I ever played.




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>The boomer who introduced me the franchise with Red Alert died 5 years ago
>Also let me watch T1, T2 and The Crow at the age of 8


boomers are the antichrist


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Sounds like a cool guy.


So? Being anti-kikes is based.


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>They used that picture for an actual advertisement


videogames used to be counter culture and cool.
I miss those days.

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