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>$49.99 for 600 preloaded """games"""

I remember Gahoole has something like this for his retro gaming, but can't recall what kind exactly.


Why pay 50 for a bunch of NES games when you can pay 0?


They work good, but yeah they're kind of redundant when you can get the games for free on your computer. The only ones that make sense to me are the handhelds, but I don't know which ones are good. Just make sure you get one with shoulder buttons, I know there are some on the market that look cool, but for example they will play GBA and SNES games, and they don't have enough buttons to play all the games.



Because I want it in a console format


Only worth it if you have an old TV that still works. The graphics were designed for them, not flat screens.


It depends on the exact model you get, but they can be very good, $50 is a good price point to ensure quality but that one in particular looks questionable, it's best to do your research. For $50 anything you get should at least be able to play up to playstation 1 at full speed, especially if it's a console that plugs into your TV.
R36S (aka r35s+) is the latest hot handheld chink console, goes on sale for as low as $35 and can play PSX at full speed with several hours of battery life. Has 16,000 preloaded game files but since the SD cards are low quality it's recommended to replace them.
As a rule, don't get anything that only plays NES, because those are scams, anything worth buying will at least support SNES and GBA games even if the performance isn't that great for them.

Best Low-End handhelds:
Data Frog SF2000, Powkiddy v90
Best Mid-tier handhelds:
Miyoo Mini, Anbernic rg35xx, R36S/R35S
I don't know anything about the higher tier stuff, I think at that point most of them are just android devices.


>Has 16,000 preloaded game files
Are the ROMs authentic copies of the games, or are they altered?

20 years ago I played one of these things when they were first coming out, it had hundreds of NES games preloaded, but the thing about it was, the ROMs were all hacked to alter certain assets, perhaps to get around IP laws in some countries. For example, the Super Mario Bros. title screen would just have a blank box, without the Super Mario Bros. logo.


I would just shell out the money for a MiSTer if you want to play on a modern TV.


Those consoles are no good as you can't save and the menu for selecting games is terrible plus most of those games are terrible. You're better off getting a raspberry pi like computer and putting it in a small console case.


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This retro bundle is pretty good


>still impossible to buy/find
>end of life

What a great console generation this has been


And it still never did get any games.


Mine came with a full set of NES, GB/GBC/GBA, SNES, and more, I'm pretty sure they just torrented some rom dumps, and since they had extra space there was some PSP, PSX. It could technically run Dreamcast and N64 but they played so poorly I wouldn't bother.
Notably PCEngine/Turbografx was completely japanese games, and there was one or two chinese psp games, but overall it was very normal; no weird bootleggy romhacks like mario changed to be a tiger.
that's basically what the good chinese ones are now, they've improved immensely recently, some even ship with the same linux OS you'd install on a raspberry pi


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How about this one? I've heard ok things about the KINHANK


Looked it up and it supposedly struggles to even play SNES at full speed
At that price point you can buy a low quality mini pc, or a real (used) console. Even some streaming boxes will get better perfomance. 10 years ago Playstation TVs were selling for that price.


Get yourself an old original xbox, put you a modchip in it, add a new HDD, and you've got yourself the finest emulation machine ever made m8y


Well shit. I already have an old xbox


same model is available on aliexpress for $35 shipped, always check to make sure you're not being scammed by resellers when buying from amazon and ebay

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