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>A Chinaman goes to a CDI Doctor
What did Chase mean by this?


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How much did Tommy Tallarico pay Vince for this blatant ad?


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Whatever became of that guy? Tallarico. Judgement day was fun back in the day.


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Running his reputation into the ground with bad business decisions.


Do tell. He bought intellivision or something? Why would someone do that?


He's been a stakeholder in the company that owns the Intellivision brand since its former owner died. He's been trying to sell his poorly advised idea for a new console, the Intellivision Amico, that still isn't even out yet all these years later.


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>poorly advised
Seethe, Tommy board. Why do you think Xbox and Playstation are fleeing the console market and Nintendo is desperately filing lawsuits? The intellivision sweep is coming and they know nobody is going to want some paperweight in their house when the Amico becomes the must have entertainment system of the millenium


That's too bad he's fallen like this. He always came off as a fairly likeable/funny guy in Judgement Day. Back when I was like, twelve, lel.


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I always thought he was obnoxious but still funny. Later on I figured he must have just been exaggerating those traits on the show to act as a foil to the bland Victor Lucas.


>Victor Lucas

Is that guy even still alive? He totally fell of the face of the earth


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I found this video from 4 years ago, so it looks like he's still around in some sense. I was expecting him to look older and balder.


Huh. Both of those guys have aged (physically I mean, it would appear Tallerico is stil a manchild) a hell of a lot better than I would've expected compared to their contemperaries on G4 ADAM SESSLER ADAM SESSLER


The funny thing is that back then I always thought Adam Sessler was like ten years older than he really was.


Sassler is a junkie


Has anyone extracted the voice lines from the Sopranos game?


I still haven't seen them edited over clips from the show, so I doubt it.


Yeah cocaine and whatever the fuck else he was on that made him tweak so hard (meth maybe?) will age you prematurely. If you ever see junkies in the wild most of them are in their late 20s to mid 30s but look like they were born in the 60s. They usually die before 50 if they don't kick their habits, but when they do kick them they usually get way into healthy living and the aging slows down significantly.


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I remember there was that E3 event or whatever years ago where he was talking to people and he seemed like he was coked up.


I posted that image to kike Sessler's Twitter back in December and he got so mad lol.

People don't realize that Sessler is a jew. He staunch defends Israel rn and that's why his old antifa friends turned on him.


Yeah, that actually surprised me. I always thought he was just a leftist Kraut until not that long ago when he took the mask off and started ranting about how Jewish he is.


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It was 2013


>I remember
Yeah, no shit. It was posted last time Sizzler was mentioned in a thread.


That long ago already?


Look up pics of him back when he had hair, he looks more jewish than without it. Which is kinda odd because bald kikes usually have a pretty obvious skull structure.

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