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sega employees are actively working with 4chan jannies to censor a story about their community manager harassing and doxxing players. posting about this on /vg/ results in a 3-day suspension. your account gets perma-banned on steam's forum.

Localizing Phantasy Star was a mistake.


File: 1711766329578.jpg (1.63 MB, 1725x2531, 1725:2531, Gahoole cameo in a Sega ga….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

They do hire lolcows after all, that's the SEGA everyone's knows and loves.
>Localizing Phantasy Star
Giving SEGA themselves a second chance was the bigger mistake.


Now PSO2NG was the one that the trannyjannies were banning people for being suspected of not being pro-faggot community, right?


Companies need to stop giving these roles to attention whore troons, just because they know the game inside out and will do it for free doesn't mean they should do it. Give the job to some polite customer service rep - they can learn the specifics of the game, a discord tranny can't learn how to act normal


Imagine using that shithole, lol


No doubt the BingBing gigaleak guy got quickly raped because of cuckchan filled with snitches who think they'll get a blowjob from Masahiro Sakurai if they turn against to their own kind whenever Nintendo is targeted, 4chan became an alternative Reddit.


It's worse than leddit at this point.


What leak involving Sakurai? The CGI cutscenes from SSBU that got leaked during production?

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