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File: 1679974291580-0.mp4 (18.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, クライマキナ CRYMACHINA OP映像 - 7….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

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Let's discuss FuRyu here. I think this company is a breath of fresh air in today's industry. They allow their developers to experiment in interesting ways, but also make efforts to appeal to traditional JRPG audiences.

Their latest known project, CRYMACHINA (coming to the PS4, PS5, Switch and PC this Fall in the west) is a Japanese sci-fi Action-RPG directed by Fuyuki Hayashi (the same director behind Crystar and Monark) and developed by AQURIA (the studio behind the PS Vita's Caligula).

Original trailer:

Official Twitter account:

Developer interview:

Demo footage clipped from Dengeki Game Live:

More info to come in April.


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>typo in the thread title


So what type of game is this OP? Besides being a tradional JRPG, looks like a waifu game like nep or xenoblade, which I am not against tbh but just wondering what makes it any different.


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The game seems to have a flexible, combo-focused combat system with melee and ranged moves. The player can equip multiple drones in various combinations to suit his preferred playstyle, or so they say.
They also plan to include secret optional password-locked stages to add more replay value, just like Caligula's "World Reward" system.


Well the designs look pretty good, also like the nice butt the girl has.
>combo-focus combat system
So it is nep but like they actually care about the gameplay?


seems like they took a page out of the tales games' combat, which is not a bad thing


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Now they're doing an ASMR livestream to promote the game. I swear I'm not making this up.


youtube .com /watch?v=RtH0eKH7wwI


>omg my waifu wispering to me
God I wish I was her husbando anons…


File: 1680426368405.mp4 (155.33 KB, 660x482, 330:241, CRYMACHINA - みんな えらい.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

The trailer got official English subs now:

youtube .com /watch?v=Mi_Tvi4gMJQ


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CRYMACHINA interview with the director and a couple of character designers/illustrators:

( archive.ph/ssLLf )


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
New gameplay trailer is out! Come watch the girls kick some ass.


>Generic robot enemies that look like 100 other japanese games
>Generic overdesigned anime girl characters
>Generic environments that might as well be a void
>Flashy effects to cover up the sluggish combat

In what world is this "a breath of fresh air"?


It's weebshit so the majority of them will like it just because


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I'm not a fan of the enemy designs myself, but I think the girls look nice.
As for the combat, it does look oddly paced, but I'm going to be cautiously optimistic for now.


File: 1687097366766.mp4 (17.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Game Channel by フリュー - クライ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Pretty catchy song from the game's soundtrack. Sakuzyo dropped another banger.


People complains about western games, but whatever I see any of new Japanese games I feel like they are just trash and generic as fuck, just like nu-cucknime.


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somnium file 2 was pretty good and not generic at all


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Here's the latest clip from Twitter.


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File: 1687823252248-1.mp4 (15.35 MB, 854x480, 427:240, NIS America - CRYMACHINA -….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Looks like CRYMACHINA is going to come out in the west on 10/24 this year.



>more bullshit out of character female characters doing shit they would never even consider IRL

Hard pass.


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File: 1687864807893-1.mp4 (11.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CRYMACHINA Twitter clip 2.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

The game is a spiritual successor to Crystar after all (but with a much better dev studio this time), so it shouldn't come as a surprise that there's a bit of a girl power narrative.
But I don't think Hayashi is some major feminist. He just likes cute girls.


nah its not the feminist shit. Its the emphasis on the romanticized notion of faaaaamily. Which is bullshit.


>female characters doing shit they would never even consider IRL
Damn, didn't know you were in the game!


I hate modern japs unability to make anything good or ever so slightly original.


Everything you dislike must be good


I partly agrees with you, but sadly, the majority of western art and culture are more shitty atm.


File: 1688047100230.mp4 (15.24 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Game Channel by フリュー - クライ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

3rd PV is out!



Can we get any cucknime games without being troonime? Why we always should play as a woman or loli?
That's the japs are about to be extincted, pure emasculation.


File: 1688150832368.png (4.75 MB, 1357x1920, 1357:1920, 祝・マスターアップ - Illustration b….png) ImgOps iqdb

"Master Up"? I assume that means the game has gone gold. Congrats to the dev team.

What are you even talking about? 90% of JRPGs have a male protagonist.


>What are you even talking about?
Troons don't actually know anything about weeb cartoons and just spout whatever their pedophile twitter hivemind tells them. Even they don't actually know what they're saying.


This tbh.


File: 1691601830758.png (11 MB, 2121x3000, 707:1000, Master Up Commemorative Il….png) ImgOps iqdb

The game is out in Japan now, and they've released this artwork in higher resolution to celebrate.



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File: 1691672075408-1.png (4.17 MB, 1257x2000, 1257:2000, CRYMACHINA - HANAMARU BOX ….png) ImgOps iqdb

Bumping with more art to trigger the sagefag


I know you're larping as me on Zzzchan, you fucking faggot sodomite.




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god i wish i was a cute girl doing cute things with other cute girls


File: 1691861093190.jpg (Spoiler Image, 73.67 KB, 749x795, 749:795, is wolfspider a ftm angloi….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>god i wish i was a cute girl doing cute things with other cute girls


your image has zero bearing on anything i said, sir




i know ;-;


Open your wrists and post it


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There's still about a month to go until CRYMACHINA comes out in the west.
In the meantime, here's some classic Caligula combat clips to show off AQURIA's talent. That game instantly made me a fan of theirs.
(These clips are not mine. Some Japanese player took them.)


File: 1697811337253.png (558.23 KB, 871x860, 871:860, Yoko_Taro_receives_a_gift_….png) ImgOps iqdb

Well, it's almost time.
CRYMACHINA's western release is right around the corner.
There's already a free demo out now, so don't hesitate to download it if you're curious.

On a fun little side note, the game's director Hayashi praises Yoko Taro as a big personal inspiration. So much so that he sent Yoko a copy of the game as a free gift.


Will this game change my life for the better?


That depends: Do you like Action-RPGs? I know they're not everyone's cup of tea.


I like them. In recent years, I've been more of a casual, but I'm trying to change that, and spend more time playing games. I downloaded the demo, thank you for informing the board about it btw. This will be a nice one to sink my teeth into. I like how there's a casual mode which reduces grinding. I don't have it on now, but I may utilize it if the grinding gets too heavy. This is one of the reasons I got away from these types of games over the years, because of the time investment they require.


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>I downloaded the demo, thank you for informing the board about it btw.
No problem. I hope you enjoy it.


Are there any men in this game?


Do there need to be? The game is about cute girls first and foremost.


Don't get me wrong, I like the girls, but I was just wondering if there are any male characters. I played the demo for about a half hour, 4 female characters have been introduced and the only male thus far has been the audio recording of the dude freaking out on the stored data thing Leben interacts with in the first scene.


With waifu games introducing men creates a tightrope situation where the men have to either be totally uninterested, noncompetitive and nonthreatening to the player when it comes to the girls in the game, or they need to be villains.

This has been amplified by the success of gacha games where this absolutely has to be the case to convince players to roll for the characters.

I think games are better when they can manage to implement women and I'm pretty sure other games by this developer have, but the easier route is to go female only.


>With waifu games introducing men creates a tightrope situation where the men have to either be totally uninterested, noncompetitive and nonthreatening to the player when it comes to the girls in the game, or they need to be villains.
I see. So in other words, the Japanese male player doesn't want to feel like his waifus are cucking him with a male character. A lot has changed since the last JRPG I played, lol. For me, it's easier to insert as a male protagonist, so it'll take some getting used to. Cute girls, though.


Well, today is the day. I completed the demo, it was pretty good, it gives you a good understanding of the plot and mechanics. Definitely a buy from me, but I'll wait for the price drop while I play other games I haven't completed.


File: 1698837266334.png (1 MB, 790x1025, 158:205, Purin 88.png) ImgOps iqdb

"Happy Halloween" message from CRYMACHINA's official cartoonist.


Sadly the time of the self-insert MC like Issei-kun are long gone…


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Man, I feel bad for the players who got attached to the wrong girl in the first Caligula game…




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File: 1700249305080-1.mp4 (15.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Game Channel by フリュー - クライ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

OP here again. I'm playing the CRYMACHINA demo, and holy FUCK, I'm getting filtered.
Hayat is kicking my ass like a football. Fuck my life. I'm not sure whether these controls are too slippery, or I'm just getting too old for this shit.
Or, to be honest, maybe I just need more time to get used to it and read the enemy's telegraphs better.


I beat the demo in like 2 hours, and I took it slow. Much of my time was spent exploring the Imitation Garden. I'm the anon from earlier who's been getting back into games, and I'm probably older than you.


File: 1700256684218.mp4 (16.12 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Game Channel by フリュー - クライ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Fair enough. Thanks for sharing that. I'm gonna get back into the game and kick that fucker's ass, when I'm not too busy shitposting on the internet and whatnot.


Thanks for getting me into this game. I'm praying for a Black Friday deal to drop on it, because I'm way over my game budget this season.


File: 1708776600389.mp4 (20.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nintendo 公式チャンネル - REYNATI….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

FuRyu just announced a new action-RPG, going by the name "REYNATIS".
This one's developed by Natsume Atari, with famous Square Enix writer Kaz Nojima and composer Yoko Shimomura. It might be somewhat of a spiritual successor to FF Versus XIII.

It's set to release in Japan on July 25 this year on the PS4, PS5 and Switch. More info coming soon.





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OP here again.
After months of procrastination, I finally got around to giving the CRYMACHINA demo another shot, and I kicked Hayat's ass this time. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Anon.

The problem I had earlier was simply that I was being a total fucking DSP idiot, rushing headfirst and neglecting to read up on some of the combat basics. Stuff like baiting the enemy and countering them, keeping an eye on their "WEAK" gauge and whatnot. That stuff is super important. And I didn't even know I could dash backwards! How silly of me.

Speaking of "silly", I like this game's sense of humor. It really adds to the experience.


Bought it when it was on sale around Christmastime.

The shota catboy sealed the deal for me.


Something about the way the artist draws their eyes that just screams you're going to get stabbed with a boxcutter if you look at another woman.


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I don't know who does it but it looks like the korean style eyes


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I checked and it's a japanese guy


File: 1710467357750.mp4 (12.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, REYNATIS レナティス - 予約特典 試聴動画….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Here's the REYNATIS official soundtrack sample compilation.

And here's the game's official promotional livestream:
youtube com/watch?v=mrK7dt7Kz7I

And some guy translating the stream to English:
youtube com/watch?v=m8Ct_1CnPUo


Apparently this one is gonna be a quickie localization without English VA.


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Now that you mention it, yeah, it seems you're right.
Here's the NISA trailer.
Dub fags BTFO.


Something about the pacing in cinematics of modern games drives me absolutely fucking insane.


>Dub fags BTFO.
It's more immersive to hear voices in your own language when there's a lot of dialogue. But, different strokes.


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I just visited the game's English site to check.
Yup. Japanese audio confirmed, 100%.

Oh, and just a reminder: The game's writer has a pretty big work resume, including FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and Kingdom Hearts.


dubs of japanese games always take me out of it


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File: 1710846005677-1.mp4 (4.68 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, REYNATIS_GAME clip.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Here's a couple of REYNATIS clips from their official Twitter page.
They said some of the footage got bad framerate due to faulty capture devices, not the game itself.


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File: 1713573350583-4.mp4 (2.27 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, REYNATIS Twitter clip.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Here's some more REYNATIS clips from Twitter.


Why do jap games ahve the longest fucking cutscenes


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File: 1713574128084-4.mp4 (4.86 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, REYNATIS Twitter clip - ミチ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

And some more.


>breast physics
>in the Year of Our Lord 2024
I'm sold.


Yeah I thought it was tranime still do until I saw those boing boing wahoos


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Annnnnnnnnd some more.


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File: 1713607427821-1.mp4 (10.82 MB, 1728x1080, 8:5, REYNATIS Twitter clip_____….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

And even more.


Any clue which platform it's running on in these clips? I've just got a Switch, and I'm optimistic it will look at least this good.


the switch theoretically should be able to produce results like these, most of it looks like a high end PS3 game
that said, I'm doubtful, especially since the environments are fairly detailed
the characters and effects are almost guaranteed to look the same though


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>that said, I'm doubtful, especially since the environments are fairly detailed
If you look at some of the great PS3 achievements like Red Dead Redemption or L.A. Noire which are on the Switch, I'm confident it can handle this. If it's in 30 FPS.


File: 1714231183799.mp4 (12.85 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Game Channel by フリュー - REY….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Looks like REYNATIS just got a 2nd trailer.



File: 1715342881933.mp4 (21.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Game Channel by フリュー - REY….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

REYNATIS x NEO TWEWY collab trailer


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File: 1715507200371-2.mp4 (12.04 MB, 1728x1080, 8:5, REYNATIS Twitter clip_____….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Some more REYNATIS Twitter clips.


Bunny girl is cute, she btfo them zogbots.

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