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post your favorite wads,overhauls and games


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Boomers played chess, solitaire, minesweeper, poker, and mahjong.


wads means where's all the data?.


I don't really like calling them boomer shooters myself


Are we talking about classic shooters or "retro" indie slop?


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Slop existed back then too.


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Best multi-player ever tbh.


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2 was superior and one of the best games ever made.


BC is just 2 with better graphics.


>uhhyyeegg slop slop slop yyyeeeggg slop uhm slop uuuhhhh slop slop slop slop
Literally every piece of shit posted ITT your taste is yyyeeeeggg uuuuhhhg slop slop slop


Spergy faggot


Not even funny, these are the cancer that destroyed the Battlefield series. you both need to kill yourselves.


That's what superior means.
>2142 was the pinnacle, and then it was destroyed by this shit.
No, it was on the way down, and this was a resurgence. There was no good BF after this.


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Yes, Zoomers are brown faggots. Now go fuck yourself, zoomershitter.


Fuck you, you little faggot ass manchild.


Black kids back then at most played CoD MW2.


In 2007 and 2008 online was still 99% white and 100% male.
Battlefield 2 through BC2 was the peak. Cod peaked at 4.


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I'm looking forward to WRATH: Aeon of Ruin and Phantom Fury, anyone know of any others with 3D models not sprites?


Ya but I can't say I know of many new ones that are worth checking out. You should try Zortch and see if you like it, was fun for me at least and though not very long, was worth two play throughs and the dev is working on a DLC at the moment.


Has anyone here actually tried out Ashes 2063 and Afterglow? They're 100% worth at least looking into and I'm on my second play through of Afterglow at the moment.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I personally don't really play anything that uses GZDoom. I don't think it looks bad though.


That's not what I wrote. If you want to bring up 2142, though, we can go into more depth about how exactly the series was killed. Most of the talent at DICE actually quit after Battlefield 2, over all the bullshit they had put up with from EA during its development. Consequently, in 2142 all of the balance problems from BF2 were addressed by dumbing the game down, while the rank and unlock shit cancer was dialed up 10x. 2142 was fun for what it was, but it was a definite step down from BF2 in almost every aspect. Well, if only that was the end of the story. What was the remains of DICE to do after they lost all that talent and direction at the end of 2142? It was time to follow their master's directive: pander for casual cash. And that's exactly what the Bad Company games were. A massive insult to a series that had aspired to sprawling maps and terrain and vehicular combat. It was Battlefield attempting to be Call of Duty.

tl;dr: Back in the day if you had anything nice to say about the Bad Company games you were instructed to fuck off back to Call of Duty and stop ruining our franchise. Too late now.


Afterglow is literally my GOTY 2021
I finished it 4 fucking times in a row


Yeah, I know all this.
I didn't think BFBC1 was all that good, but BC2 cleaned it up. Rush was endless fun. The only thing I didn't like was faggot servers limiting number of snipers. I know it could be lame to have too many snipers with people never pushing, but some maps are sniper maps, and there were incredible kits that could be made with that class, not just for sniping.


Phantom Fury is confirmed dogshit so no reason to look forward to that anymore.


I just recently finished my third play through and found the secret toy ray gun which was neat.


Too bad it's useless, still fun
The musket is still the best weapon, holy shit is it awesome.


Did you also find the P.I.G to be a huge let down?


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Yeah, I did, I think it's a letdown because it uses the same ammo as the Junker Musket, that's the issue, if anything you should be finding the pieces of the Junker Musket while being given the P.I.G.

The Junker Musket is just too damn good and the P.I.G doesn't have enough DPS for the precious uncommon ammo it uses it also tries to fill the role of the AR10 and the Shotgun but does a worse job at it.

Maybe if the game had more bosses it would be more useful.


How so? Trailers looked so promising…


Just go watch some actual gameplay, it's very blatantly undercooked and the devs have a bad track record.


The P.I.G should have used scrap for ammo and junker musket slugs should be much rarer.
Instead of musket slugs being sold AR10 ammo should have been so you could actually use the thing before the very end.


By being a shit game, good art design and animation doesn't mean anything if the level design and the weapon damage values and mechanics are all shit.

Scrap is too valuable to be used for ammo.
P.I.G just needed better DPS honestly


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What the fuck are you guys talking about? The game isn't even out yet


My favorite part of Afterglow was doing full nelson with the mutant sorceress while Athena watches.


>Porn game about full figured women fucking teenage boys.
>TinyHat Productions


>teenage boys fucking grown women is fine
>Fucking a adult looking sex bot is not
I don't understand Steam sometimes.


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It also needed an alt-fire that didn't suck ass.
This man looks like he's ready to personally bring the rape face meme back by force.


Do you lads like Cultic?


It was alright, Episode 1 kinda starts shitting itself once you go into the mine though, level design and items location start becoming shit real fast and there's barely any interactable objects.
Haven't played the Episode 2 prologue

Really fun combat when done right though.


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>Nice try fed, but only the weak would fall for the sugarcoating golems.


>I don't understand Steam sometimes.
Jews. The first is about teenagers being groomed and the second is about a replacement for 3DPD.


>le fed
I tried looking up the game people were hyped about, but I couldn't find it. That popped up instead.




No one gives a shit if it's excusable to you pompous faggot autist.


But does anybody care that you feel that way?

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