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File: 1713999494956.jpg (171.53 KB, 1170x1413, 130:157, 20240424_175659.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Anyone have that Gas the Kikes image of (((Sessler))) in boxing gloves?


You know this is a video games board right?




You know Adam Sessler is a videogame guy, right?
Stupid kike.


>is a videogame guy


>Anon asks for some board continuity
>Gets called a kike
what gives


>stay on topic!
Reddit is that way.


>Why have separate boards when you can have one chatroom?
AOL is that way.


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What game is this?


He really isn't that jewey looking tbh


Yeah, I know. I didn't even know he was Jewish until I saw screencaps of his Twatter posts talking about it. I always took him for being a Kraut.


angry goy 2


>protest kikes murdering sandniggers
<oy vey they wish me harm!
Cries out in pain as he strikes you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
How did he react to the archived videos of him being a racebaiter?


I never would have expected that a few decades into the future retards would be seething in comments sections over old X-Play videos.


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>reminds me of my days as a congressional paige.
Ok… this might explain his shitty jobs and drug abuse habits. He was raped as a child for a congressman's blackmail material for jews.


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lol @ "goysplaining"


Goys of course don't get to hold that belief.


What's the point of that image? Are you a mexican?


Always highlight the word you want people to see or you get shit like this in replies >>6864


There's literally no point to it unless he just learned a word every English speaker with two IQ points to rub together should already know.


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If it's so ubiquitously known, perhaps there was a point beyond that. I know it looks like just a definition, but if there is no point, it begs the question…
Why are you seething over this so much?




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Sessler's whole kvetch since this thing blew up is an example of When The Kike Gets Kike'd.


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"Uncle Tom Jews"

Hardcover kike, this one.


It's amazing how jewish his whole processing is. every point is based in jewry.


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Mr Chaser usually is call out by trannies on twitter.


Man I haven't thought about Christian in a while. Wonder how he's doing.


As far as I know, he is still hated by certain trannies who accuse him of being an "abuser". He is mostly doing awful videos with really ugly sissies, something to which Super Ramon never stooped so low despite the Jews hating him.
And I've seen screenshots of him on Grindr trying to entice "normal" faggots to crossdress and meet up with him in Vegas.


This kike deleted his Twitter and got btfo real bad.
Their pets turned on them.


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>grew up looking up to Adam Sessler on G4, before I had jewdar
>he was the jew the entire time


I remember me and my friend from school thinking he was a cool guy. We didn't even seem to realize that he was just an actor reciting lines.


>grew up looking up to a tasteless phony casual who would tell you whatever opinion his advertisers wanted you to hear
Be honest anon: you never gave a shit about video games.


It goes back to the ZDTV days, back before youtubers were an option. Sessler represented the monolithic voice of the male gamer on talmudvision, we thought he was a cool guy with a dream job.


Back then the options were much more limited if you wanted to to watch something about video games.
The irony is that Morgan Webb probably knew more about games than he did while a lot of people figured she was just a fake "gamer girl" they were just using as eye candy.


>The irony is that Morgan Webb probably knew more about games than he did while a lot of people figured she was just a fake "gamer girl" they were just using as eye candy.
I think you're right. Morgan had it all, the brains and the boobs.


I thought he was a fucking faggot, along with every other fake nerd on G4/TechTV, from day one.


Tbh I thought Sessler and all of G4 was forced unfunny fake shit and I was right the whole time. I'm glad though that this kike had to dance on TV for goyim haha.


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Sessler was the biggest faggot there
And that's saying something considering this was G4.
TechTV was at least decent.


That dude is gay?


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>Married twice
Nice try homo!


>Sessler was the biggest faggot there
You could say that in literally any situation though. Sessler could march the fag pride parade and still be the biggest faggot there by a wide margin.

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