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Oh no. What happened?


Sony meddled with Stellar Blade and added a day one patch that covers up some of the costumes, the edits aren't even good and just makes everything look worse. The launch version is still available on disc with the original costumes so they are 100% not redesigns.

As always, it falls to modders to fix this injustice when the port arrives


Trannies at Soyny are having monumental, drug fueled, sleep at work meltdowns editing a beautiful game to protect their twitter tranime profiles from self-esteem damage.


So they got rid of the cameltoe?


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I don't have a dog in this fight because I don't have a PS5, but all the guys who bought this game should file a class-action lawsuit to get their money back, because the game was sold under false pretenses.


Trannies made the edits in self-defense. Their lives were threatened. Nobody is at fault.


I think it's just a marketing gimmick.
Nobody would have bought this game except a few PS5 owners.
Now everybody is talking about it.


The gimmick was the T&A, a lot of people bought the game for that. You can't just forcibly remove it after you take their money. People need to sue over this shit.


Controversy has more traction than simple sex I think. I mean publicly, the t&a is the marketing gimmick, but behind the scenes… I don't know… Just seems like they could cook this up.


>You can't just forcibly remove it after you take their money.
What do you mean 'forcibly'? The licensee is told of their rights and what the terms of the license are for the software. In Europe they have more rights thanks to the Digital Content Directive but the owner is still allowed to modify products afterwards for a variety of reasons as long as the licensee is notified properly.


>the owner is still allowed to modify products afterwards for a variety of reasons as long as the licensee is notified properly.

Modifying the software is allowed for pragmatic reasons, such as bugfixes and optimizations. Pulling the rug out a few days after the game's release by changing key elements of the game, elements which may have had a significant impact on a consumers decision to purchase the game, is at best unethical, at worst grounds for the consumer to seek remedy. The patch should be optional if anything.


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>order a pepperoni pizza from Papa John's
>you get there, open the box, and there's no pepperoni on it
>manager says due to pressure from the vegans, they have stopped using meat toppings, effective immediately
<But, I wanted pepperoni on my pizza. That's one of the reasons I ordered it.
>manager: I'm sorry. This is just the best thing for everybody.
<Well, I already paid for the pepperoni. I'd like a refund.
>manager: I'm sorry, but no. We reserve the right to modify our products at any time, even after you've purchased them.

This is Soyny right now. I hope to God they've finally done it with this woke shit and pissed off the wrong person who isn't gonna take it.


Damn… that is actually a good metaphor.


Seriously, imagine buying videogames anymore. Imagine, in the year 2024, inflation rampant, economy in the shitter, actually giving money to sony or any other videogame developer. Could you imagine? It couldn't be me. Never has been, either. People PAY these people. Really think about how absurd that is.


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Later on they get the anal lube ready whenever redditors flip out, stir up shit because of their sorry lives not improving and demand more censorship.


You will never be black.


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feels good man


>modders are gonna need to rip the original models from the PS5 disc


>>when the port arrives
Yes, when, there's no such thing as exclusives anymore.


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It has proven that Sony executives bent over so far to the marxists to the point of feeling their dildos reaching their teeth and r/etards still went apeshit because they couldn't obtain the overpriced piece of shit that doesn't do the fucking thing it's supposed to do, scalpers did a favor to them hogging all the CCP spyware.
You want the equivalent of a kidney stone? Watch this:


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>It's muh private company!


Fans of the above are all fans of the below though.


I never played The Trannies of US 2 and always thought the first Trannies was liberal shit.


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it's ogre…


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Yakuza won.
Gahoole is under jav mk ultra


Did Sony force anyone to connect their PS5 to the internet? Is it their fault the user is too stupid to go into the settings and disable automatic updates if they don't want them? Why is anyone pretending this is a big deal when the update can be deleted and the original game resinstalled from disc?

People that buy the digital version get what they deserve.


I assumed it was gay porn lol


I'd imagine a ps5 without the internet is like a phone without cell service or the internet.


My neighbor had a PS5 without internet access for awhile. It's no different than a PS1; you put a game disc in and it plays. Demos he downloaded earlier he couldn't save progress on locally as those used a cloud saving system but that was the only limitation.

All the extra functionality provided by the internet isn't much asides for multiplayer.


I want no censorship and bugfixes and performance improvements. And all DLC, bonus content and expansions. So I'll think I'll just pirate it actually. Sony has no pride in the game, so they won't mind giving it to me for free


>playing a shitty version of western/jap games


>costumes censored
>gore censored
>people actually paid money to get fucked in the ass
>there are people who actually DEFEND THIS like josh moon


The censorship was an attempt by journalists and even the developer to kill their own game. By still buying it you're "owning" them because of the original Stellar Blade message.
I say boycott everything buy if still buying this game makes journalists seethe, then do it. Basically, just do whatever makes gaming journalists mad.


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I enjoyed Lies of P more than Elden Ring, if anything ER feels like the shitty ripoff.

>The censorship was an attempt by journalists and even the developer to kill their own game.
I don't buy that this was the devs choice since the censored costumes are so hastily done and obviously not intentional redesigns.


It's such a weirdly specific change, it unironically feels like some kind of humiliation ritual (as the kids say)
>haha, we changed this costume, to a slightly less sexy version, but the game still has costumes where the protagonist is basically naked!

All I can see this as is someone drawling a line in the sand and saying "fuck you, we'll censor whatever we want, and you can't stop us". What else could possibly have possessed them to do it?
It puts the anti-censorship crowd in this awkward position where they have to take a principled stance against the unashamed coomer game, because the developers technically engaged in censorship.


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>people in other streamers' chat instantly recognize him
I didn't know you were this famous, Gayhole.


Holy fuck I love seeing these newfag reactions to gahoole.



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