I wonder what /our/ based Armond Sessler has to say about all this.
Have any of you retards considered the possibility that Stellar Blade is actually in fact a shit game, and you're all being subject to a marketing campaign of stirring up controversy? Sony is the company in the entertainment industry most notorious for this kind of bullshit.
>>6941no one REALLY cares about the quality of the gameplay, they only care about the quality of the assets, that should be obvious
>>6941Do you think this helps sony's sales or harms them in the long run? Because I hate these gimmicks and do not own an x-box or ps5 or 6 or whatever they're on
>>6929I'm pretty sure this is standard policy for Sony's platforms THOUGH. Probably stems from multiplayer games needing stuff like this. Sucks, but in 2024 every company is allowed to sell you a product and then switch it after the fact.
>people are realizing this just now because of some cheap south korean knockoff of anime titties No.6951
>>6944Helps. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Sign here. do listen to the people sometimes, they reversed the censorship of the cutscenes in DMC5.