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File: 1714943534248.jpg (1.11 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, RtPC8YhcRuPYRun4B2HTBj.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


What should RE9 focus on and what game should get remade next?


File: 1714958904117.png (768.86 KB, 815x928, 815:928, American male 2024.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

>What should RE9 focus on?
I don't give a shit about RE anymore, REmake4 and 8illage soured the IP for me.
I miss the campy shit, and now it's gone replaced by generic Blumhouse Hollywood shit trying too hard to be serious and pandering to Americanoid numales.
With the System Shock Remake being as good as it is and being a better Survival Horror game than RE has been for 20 fucking years and STALKER 2 coming up and maybe not being complete dogshit, I'm done with the franchise.


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Why don't they make originals for the series anymore with new characters that cater to the modern audience?


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God, I can't wait for the collapse, it;s going to be beautiful.


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What really pissed me off around the year 2013-ish is that Crapcom had a financial crisis and a few steps to their grave, while everyone was cheering on their tragedy: Megaman and Ryu got confirmed for Super Smash, everything what they did was forgiven, Nintendo just threw a life preserver leaving them to sacrifice only one building and keep on mutilating their already stale crap. Funny how these punished gamers tend to get lured away from the elephant in the room.


Jesus fucking Christ let this series die already.


What exactly is the appeal of this series anymore?
You shouldn't use the Lords name in vain Anon.


>I miss the campy shit
So you didn't RE8 then, got it

>Wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhhh
If you don't like it close the thread


>What should RE9 focus on
Not being complete dog shit like the last 5 where.
>what game should get remade next
5. Do it crapcom you fucking cowards.


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Game is a boring sludge with no logical consistency due to Mold = Magical bullshit and I only liked the Factory with the mass produced Quake tier cyborg enemies and the Chris action sequence.
But that's not RE at all, RE7 and RE8 are not RE, just a gothic fantasy game that Capcom keeps attaching to the RE brand along with some references to make it sell.

They won't do it, these companies have no balls.


Old good new bad


Tl;dr on your image.


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Here's the TL;DR


So, Capcom is gigakike'd.
Why did the Japs allow this kikening?


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Here's a direct quote from Capcom forced to give it up and the kikes that stole it.


lots of money
microsoft and sony alone spend millions on one pride parade in japan each year called Rainbow Pride

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