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Homeworld 3 was delayed by a couple years. It was then delayed a few months. Massive multiple waves of layoffs, including original HW1 devs. It's going to be a massive disaster. Vid is a sophisticated breakdown.


Seems like they're creating the illusion of tactical combat using the new gimmick of monstrous space debris, but have oversimplified the controls to make it simpler for what I'll call "mobile gamers." The unit micro is replaced with button mashing abilities, and it's purposely difficult to select units, so you essentially all-in your units for a balanced attrition process.
I would call it a Homeworld Reboot at this point. Rebooted for the normalfag gamer market easily baited by Franchise Assurance. I hear it's also chalk full of microtransactions somehow.


Anything THQ is a coin flip if it will even get released at the moment




I mean Embracer but I don't know what they are even calling it now. But they are clearing house so a lot of stuff is getting cancelled


File: 1715283708321.png (366.21 KB, 694x418, 347:209, Mother.png) ImgOps iqdb

I thought the AI's in the motherships were female.


Steam says Blackbird dev and Gearbox Pub


Yes Embracer bought Gearbox, then Embracer recently sold Gearbox to 2K.


Why? Sounds like a way to fire people that don't want the game to get butchered.


Embracer bought Gearbox because they were on a buying spree and thought they had a big investment coming. It fell through and they had to sell Gearbox and a few other studios and close some others to cut costs


>queerbox getting passed around like the cheap syphilis infested whore that it is


It just seems like a way to justify shakeups and layoffs like they're saving HR the difficulty, to blame it on the new corporate owner's previous policies that would phase things out if they had owned it for years, takes effect upon ownership.

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