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Face it racists, blacks were always the better samurai.


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Now THIS is JUSTening.


>$130 for broken buck's creed: we wuz anything but african edition
Has asscreed ever had a good game?




These seem like disincentives to me, why would I bother paying full price at release when I don't even get the full game. Might as well just wait to pirate it or get it dirt cheap and get the whole thing if you aren't even gonna give me the full game for full price


(((They))) do that shit because normalniggers don't have the ability to wait. They see a newly polished turn and have to have it now.


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Lead writer for this nigger game btw.


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Where's the spade?


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She keeps most of her obese body covered…I can't see it yet.


Build for 12 cats and boxed wine!


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Speaking of kikery, this is CD Projekt Red
I think their next game is going to be very, very kike'd. Remember, 2077 was in development long before George Floyd and was only slightly kike'd at the end because of early Dup. There is no telling how many niggers and women are employed there now.


>fat canadian woman
You just know this gayme is going to be 80%+ her sexual fantasies. It's kind of sad though. She's so fat and disgusting she can't even imagine anything but a niggerape wanting her.


Massassin's Greed
Massassin's Greed 2 (portions)
Massassin's Greed: Briskethood
Massassin's Greed: Reservations (at the buffet table)


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>be slave
>only job is carrying weapons for other men
>japs dress you as samurai to mock you
>end up in a battle
>immediately surrender
>get enslaved again
>300 years later


Even better, he was a "koshou" which were not only retainers but were also in homosexual relationships with their lord. He was buck broken.


We warned you slant eyes your culture was next, niggers are part of the matrix.






If I remember right they never taught him to speak japanese either. He was basically just a dancing monkey that was kept around because it made funny noises.


>behaving as the wind behaves
Meandering all over the place and occasionally causing natural disasters?


Well I wouldn't call the disasters natural, but yeah that sounds about right.




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Here is the nigger samurai dev team.


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Sweet Baby Inc nigger


>literally nothing but cunts, femcunts, blue hairs, niggers and probably Jews.
I don't know why I bother having a gaming pc anymore. I pirated everything I have but this shit isn't even worth thinking about pirating let alone buying.


>Game series about climbing huge Cathedrals/Minarets/Towers above wide cityscapes
>Set latest one in Feudal Japan where the tallest building is three-stories and the only city is Kyoto
Who greenlighted this shit? There's a reason they didn't do this for 17 years so what gives?


It's all a foil for Nigger Samurai. Logic doesn't matter.


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The Thing, Japan meme applies, it's guaranteed sales.


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>gaming PC
give your powerful a GPU a good use and learn to use local AI, you might get into it with how fast images generate ;)


I can't imagine anyone with more then a single digit IQ didn't already assume that was the case for Nigga's Creed Sheeeeeit.


>I don't know why I bother having a gaming pc anymore
Playing actual good games?
Ubisoft has been shit since 2008


I might do that. I want to make images of Gahoole.


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History doesn't matter and the racist hate has nothing to do with history, which we said doesn't matter.


If they didn't care they would've just made him black and never explained it or isekai'd the protagonist into feudal japan, they specifically used Yasuke to give it an air of credibility because they are pathetic and want something to hide behind when everybody points out how retarded it is


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Sounds accurate to me.


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That's where we are in 2024. Online comments using niggerspeak are actually white kids trying to sound "tough" and fat white liberal women still fetishize niggers because of their perceived "wild" personality while actual niggers are either those obnoxious reddit types or gay.


I am tired of niggers.


You and everybody else, eveey fucking ad in Europe is nothing bit niggers.


>to excrement
A bit of a Freudian slip there.


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Build to BWC


I cannot express enough how much I hate niggers and how every single nigger deserves to die.


I am in my 20s and I like Mario games (64, Odyssey). Is it normal for me to worry about people finding out that a "grown ass man" plays Mario?


Not sure what the relevance to this thread is, but to answer your question, I'm in my 30s and I like Mario games because they are quality games. I also like school life anime. Nobody gives a shit, everyone has their own preferences.


>Nobody gives a shit, everyone has their own preferences.
I don't know anon. I've been thinking that when the race war gets too hot, those who are too incel-ish will be wiped out. And incels do play videogames. Consumption of media (TV, games etc. except books) tend to produce incel-nerd culture.


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I don't believe in incels.


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Playing baby ass games means dick, considering what these mainstream whores love:
>Pretty-boys who are nothing but sex-puppets by the elite
>Pedowood's sex offenders
>Make over to cover that indistinguishable mutt features
>Slutty clothing fabricated by sweatshop chinks
>Degenerate and talentless artists in general

There are dykes who won't settle for less and start screeching like overgrown toddlers whenever their prince charming fails, but they're the victims of every-fucking-thing because of incels controlling banks and the media or some shit like that.


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Ironically niggers had it the best in the 80s and 90s.
>gay niggers were downlow
>were seen as athletes
>were not overly fetishist
>had better wages
>Were treated normal if they were normal
and niggers didn't get away with blatant nigger crimes
>Didn't have 24 hour news telling them they are oppressed
>White People trusted them more started see them as our niggers
>most of the world didn't know much about niggers


>half of them trying to look "gangsta" while holding up their interracial gay porn fanfiction


>interracial gay porn fanfcition
is that what buck breaking is actually about? and this was made by a black guy too? fucking kek.


Nuzach here, since I love to trigger you guys by posting gay nigger dick I decided to search for "gay raceplay" expecting to find some nice material to trigger neonazis ramonvargbalvcoons lol so I could spam to own you guys lol, but instead I only find black guys being fucked by white guys using MAGA hats. Lame. My Jewish/Mexican genes got disappointed with that and my little brown cock can't get hard when the white is the top.
Sorry for my english btw, I grow up in a shithole called "El Canja del Barata".


take your medicine, schizo


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
USA is over


Yes. They commissioned a load of white massuh on nigguh gay porn "art" as "proof" that slave owners raped their niggers. The funniest part about that is some of the "art" wasn't even attempting to mimic and old timey painting style. And talked about how niggers are only gay because white massah's dick was just too good to resist because for some reason when niggers get raped in the ass instead of not wanting it to happen again they start seeking it out.

I don't remember how in the fuck you spell the nigger who made it's jumbled letters of a name, but my take is that he lusts for white cock and all his anti-white race baiting is an overreaction to try and cover it up like how religious or right wing figures kept getting caught being gay a while back or how liberals keep getting caught being sex pests today.


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>but my take is that he lusts for white cock and all his anti-white race baiting is an overreaction to try and cover it up
Going that far just makes him look completely insecure. I think he'd be better off repeating the typical Afrocentrist rhetoric about white men being animalistic cave devils and then saying that's why he gets turned on by the taboo of having sex with them. Taboos are a driving force behind a lot of fetishes anyway. Just because a guy like Alex Jones jerks off to trannies doesn't mean he has to support any political agenda of theirs. There's not necessarily any hypocrisy involved.


>black guy
>voicing japanese/asian man
OMG that's like so problematic n stuff, how can CN allow white face?¡?¡?¡?¡ Jessica Drew would be so dissapointed of her pregnancy if the dad was black.


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Get a l*fe, tr*nsphobes

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