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File: 1716602591505-0.jpg (92.88 KB, 716x1218, 358:609, Joseph-d-kucan.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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>This man is going to die one dsy


Oh man, not one dsy. I hate dsy's.


I liked him until I realized he was a libtard like other theaterfags.


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>Never talked about politics outside of 50s-80s geopolitics focusing on USA and USSR
Imagine him BTFOING dup!


I came across some Plebbit AMA where he was talking about liking some game because he got to kill "racists" or "Nazis" or something. Was there some Far Cry sequel like that? Maybe that's the game he was talking about.


Nah, you're making shit up
Only dev related guy who made such a comment was Dave Oshry, the New Blood kike, saying he liked Dusk because he got to kill hooded enemies that looked like the racis KKK.


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So he's a cuckservative?


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A liberal from yesteryear, joke about the holocaust and he'll be furiously breathing onto your neck.


Kane is cool because 90% of NOD lore is built around glazing him. Kuckan doesn't have some sort of extraordinary charisma. He's not bad, and even manages to squeeze out a couple emotional moments here and there. But he's a minor theatre actor hired to play a cartoonish villain by a low budget 90's studio. His job is going MWAHAHAHA I AM A TERRORIST CULT LEADER, and he does a decent job at that.
Replace him with the Yuri actor and the charisma would be about the same. Replace him with any starving mediocre theatre actor and there wouldn't be much of a difference. Anybody with some acting skills can pull of a hammy villain act on the same level.
I recommend watching some movies with actually charismatic villains and imagining them in the role of Kane. Westworld wouldn't have to sell out to EA in that universe.


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>Replace him with any starving mediocre theatre actor and there wouldn't be much of a difference.
Stopped reading right there, kill yourself


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
In an ideal world, Kane sounds and acts like this. C&C has a national appeal, Westworld are still around and have developed the Strategy genre to heights you couldn't imagine.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I can't imagine anyone else pulling off Kane as well as Joe Kucan did, even if they were actually a better actor. He had the cheesy charisma of a wrestling heel shooting a promo and the perfect look for the job.


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Anyone who's into Command & Conquer should give this stand-alone OpenRA mod a try:

It combines the Tiberian games with the Red Alert ones (among some others) and adds new units and features, like an upgrade system and naval units for Nod and GDI. Most sides have both doctrine and subfaction choices, and you can even play as the Scrin.

You can download an AppImage here:




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The way this picture was shot makes Kane look like a gigachad.

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