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It's up


40:33 "I'm sorry I don't feel that bad for Security Blanket Mega Hitler, I just don't. She blew up a whole planet to slow us down even though she wanted us to go there. This is fucking nonsense."

Like other woke games and movies and tv, they're sympathetic to all the worst people.


It's ok when I do all heinous things I preach against chud.
I did it for the right reasons!


Sweet Baby Nigger Detected


Mandalore Gaming's voice is good for long narrative videos like these. Most people in the gameplay-review-videoessay scene do not understand that a GOOD VOICE is needed and not some scrawny discord faggot. Not only that, props to Mandalore for making actual jokes (not HAHA funny, but just jokes that you can chuckle in comfort) rather than meme bait.


Weird name for the company

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