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File: 1717341937491.png (301.17 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ES-DE_01.png) ImgOps iqdb


Got a Galaxy S24. Main idea is to make it a pocket emulator. Problem is, there's too much software to figure out which one's the best. So,
>best frontend (if needed)?
>need to jailbreak? if so, best method?

I've heard that EmulationStation for Android (pic related) is good, even if you have to pay for it. No issues since pirating it is a no brainer.


Retro Arch


> I've heard that EmulationStation for Android (pic related) is good, even if you have to pay for it.
do you really (normally) have to pay for it? I assumed it was free software since I've seen it used on linux devices


Yeah you have to pay for it. Weird, I know.


Any good mobile game controllers that go around the phone?


there's a lot on aliexpress, including from some trusted brands like gamesir
wait for the big sale in a week to buy, unless you've never bought from it before, in which case just take advantage of the "welcome deal" now (some products are up to 70% off for new users, but it has to be your very first purchase.)
personally I've never bought one and can't vouch for a particular model though
this is just a random one I've found that looks good: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801221794739.html


Is there any input lag with these?

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