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File: 1717517066229.png (1.03 MB, 940x657, 940:657, Paper Mario N64.png) ImgOps iqdb


Games with bad graphics that are still ludo.


Will always be a pale, inferior substitute for Super Mario RPG.


Super Mario RPG had good graphics for its time. By the time Paper Mario came out in 2001, it looked pretty bad. However, it's still fun to play through. Some of the people who worked on Super Mario RPG worked on Paper Mario.


honestly I think mario story/paper mario looks really good
it's my favorite game on n64
there is a weird blurriness to though


I don't think Paper Mario looks bad at all from what I've seen of it. I'd say it holds up better than most of the games on the system.


If it had been released as an N64 launch title, it would've looked more impressive then. But in 2001, Gamecube was coming out and PS2 had already been out for a year. Sixth-gen consoles represented the greatest leap in graphics from the previous generation.


It was definitely the best RPG for the system, excluding the Zeldas as RPGs.


It was definitely not as good as Ogre Battle 64.


The SMRPG people went to work on the Mario and Luigi games. Paper Mario was Intelligent Systems.


Does the tranny ghost kills himself for the second time?


I don't think it could've been a launch title, I suspect part of the reason why it actually looks pretty good compared to other n64 games is its relatively late release.


They did a really nice job with The Thousand-Year Door remaster, gonna have to pick that one up because I never played it.


BUT ANOOOOOOOOON!!!! DEM TRANNIES N SHIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know about this troon character, if there is one it's probably done in jest. The first Paper Mario was very pro-life. So many of the NPC plotlines and dialogues revolve around romance, and then there's the Star Kids which obviously are meant to represent Millennium babies (it was released in early 2001).


>t. ranny



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>The first Paper Mario was very pro-life


thousand year door has a literal dead tranny or something
that's all I know


>paper mario
>bad graphics
Hey NuZach, go kill yourself.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Paper Mario completely holds up visually.
Less so if you play it up-res'd through an emulator, admittedly. N64 games really were designed for that specific format. The Switch online version where they sharpen all of the sprites up looks a bit fucked.


I think that's the problem I had with it. Played it on Switch online, and the N64 emulator doesn't have a CRT filter like the other emulators they have.


This is why I want to play retro games on an FPGA with a CRT monitor. Unfortunately, that's now a redditor thing so I can't do it.


>Unfortunately, that's now a redditor thing so I can't do it.
Just because Reddit fags happen to do something doesn't make it bad. Using a CRT TV is the ideal for old games, and just because some of those homos might agree with that doesn't make it any less true.


I think he means reddit collectoids ruined it for everyone by pushing up the price of CRTs


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Aren't there still people out there throwing out old CRTs? You don't need a PVMeme. I wouldn't even say they're ideal. Most games were developed with the typical consumer setup in mind.


CRTs aren't that common anymore and most people think they are garbage and wouldn't think to sell them. Not that it really matters since a CRT filter is good enough for zero cost.


>CRTs aren't that common anymore and most people think they are garbage and wouldn't think to sell them.
That's too bad. I have two of them and was consider getting rid of my bigger one for lack of space, but if that's the case then I'll try and hang on to it.
>Not that it really matters since a CRT filter is good enough for zero cost.
They're getting really good, but it's not the same experience. Plus it irritates me that I couldn't play a light gun game on a modern display if I wanted to.


Looks like shit. I'll stick to my clean crisp modern LCDs.


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>I couldn't play a light gun game on a modern display if I wanted to
You actually can.


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You mean sterile.

The Genesis did actually have crappy-looking composite, but that was the kind of display games were made for.
I mean with original hardware. I still have a couple of Zappers, not that I use them very often.


I wanna ask all CRT owners out there, if the CRT breaks down, wtf do you do? Do you DIY or go to a hardware store? Are hardware stores today run by people who know how to repair CRTs or is it overrun with younger ppl. I'm not old, I just wanna buy a CRT. What is the maintainance cost of a CRT? Are there any health issues that can come from using a CRT?


File: 1718663683024.jpg (104.95 KB, 722x572, 361:286, wii_crt.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I mean do I have to be hyper autistic and buy those "TV station" CRT monitors (pic related) for the best experience, or would any CRT TV/monitor do? Are there specific brands I gotta check out or are all of them okay?


Ok pic related may not be the right idea for a "TV station" monitor but I think you guys get the idea.


I think there was a place near my as of a couple years ago that would service CRTs, but I'm not sure if they're still open.

There's a sound issue with my favorite TV, which is just some no-name brand Wal-Mart was selling like 20 years ago, but I don't think it would be that hard to fix. I'm scared to try anything though. I think it might just be a cold solder joint issues.
>Are there any health issues that can come from using a CRT?
People joke about them being "Cancer Ray Tubes," but from the little I know it seems to be unfounded when it comes to more modern CRTs.
I'm not very picky. Back in the pre-8chan days I remember people talking about how great Sony Trinitrons were, but I'm fine with pretty basic consumer sets.

If there was ever a new line of compact CRTs out there in high quality I'd probably just get rid of my old ones though. But it looks like that's just going to be a pipe dream for the foreseeable future.


I have heard that the latest CRT emulators are quite good https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/CRT-Royale and that OLED monitors can produce "true black", something LCD monitors were unable. As such, you might not need to go hunting for a still functional, high quality CRT monitor.


CRT-Royale's definitely good. What I'd like is a TV or monitor that can run shaders like that on their own and can have them turned on by default.

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