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File: 1717866104699.png (136.62 KB, 1536x774, 256:129, f58b321bd6cb44ed1616812806….png) ImgOps iqdb


Do the ESRB content descriptions factor into your purchase decisions as an adult consumer?


It's not the first thing I look for in a game, but descriptors like "Suggestive Themes" usually means jiggle physics or big tiddie anime girls, so things like that do add weight to a decision to buy.


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>big tiddie anime girls


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I don't buy games anymore


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I buy the occasional game off GOG. Otherwise there's not much I'm willing to pay for. This game is the only upcoming release I have any intention of paying for.


It doesn't matter if you pay for the game. Do the content descriptors influence your decision to play them?


Gud taste, I also eagerly await the release of this.


I came across it on JewTube and then immediately realized that it was the game that a guy in a /geimu/ RTS thread showed us that he was working on.


No, are the M series rated series any different from a K-A rated games? Because with shitty tv series like The Boys is considered the most mature and sophisticated series by redditors, but outside of that is just goreslop with nagging niggers and an attempt to replace Alan Moore's "superheroes but bad"


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Some autist who's on my level made this handy infographic.


The whole creation of E10+ was for publishers to be able to increase sales to children, where some parents shied away from T games. For example, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was rated E10+. Brawl and Melee were rated T, not because the violence was heavier, but because the E10+ rating didn't exist then. The idea is if you've got an 8-year-old kid, the parent would be more receptive to an E10+ game for the kid than a game rated for teenagers.


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>Wahoo's aimed at children
It all went downhill from there, parents think they're fighting the good fight because of their child-like mentality and let corporations to do the babysitting. Double the retardness: Crayon eating failed abortions with their twice their size duplicates who flip their shit over words.


Not even remotely. When I became an adult I left behind any insecurities about whether something is perceived as childish or mature.


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>Not even remotely. When I became an adult I left behind any insecurities about whether something is perceived as childish or mature.


>if you aren't constantly fretting over what other people might think of you, you must be a hyperconsumerist Redditard


I love how "gambling" and not degeneracy is where the line is drawn, the absolute state of wahooniggers


If gambling was considered degenerate, they wouldn't allow it in E games. Real gambling isn't allowed except for AO games because minors gambling with real money is illegal.


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>You mocked at my Nintendo games
>Thwarted at my gay fetishes
>Heated my warped consoles
>Cooled my fapping urges
<Is because I'm a /v/irgin
>Don't we bing with the same wahoo's?
>Don't we shit in our adult diapers?
>Don't we stalk at preschoolers?
>Don't we blow no talent hacks?


>17 year olds can't see tits

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