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/ch3/ - Video Games

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The jews


>who removed straight white men from media???
<the jews
All these jewtube faggots keep bitching about the the soying of media, but they flip out if you ever tell them that all these media companies are owned and operated by jews.


Because they are a bunch of cucked losers who suck jew cock and are totally conked out from hollykike media.


Jews, asians and white women.


>Arthur Morgan
>Well Written


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Out of horse's mouth:
>Liberal women
Sucks being a dudebro who finally snapped and getting dunked on by redditors with their buzzwords.



Why do people want to pretend cuckstar isn't subversive crap.


Because they use to make edgy games for sub-arctic IQ niggers and niggers are too retarded to notice that the entire studio that made the nigger simulators that they love has long since been replaced by kikes, wymin and troons.


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American games industry
>We hate you and we are going to do everything in our power to replace you as our consumer base, even if this theoretic audience does not exist we will still do it out of spite, our priority is intersectional politics and we will loudly and proudly tell you this at every opportunity

Youtube grifters
>Why are games so woke now??? (Part 1)


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>we is already woke before but you're forcing it



What happened with that slut?


Got too old for Hollywood execs and promptly discarded.


>be a pedowood actress
>turn 10 without having collected enough blackmail material to ensure a continued career
Skill issue.


The parents deserve to be executed.


Taking Holy BBC


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Even Tencent's gookslop games aren't safe.


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Okay woketard pro-Palestine.


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Normalfags are so fucking retarded, holy shit.
Reminds me of the absolute shit for brain double digit IQ niggers who beat up movie and TV actors due to playing the role of a villain.


that chink game's not affiliated with tencent, it's made by a privately owned company
I know because I wanted to buy stock in their company because they are racist





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Videogames used to be kewl


But when people shit on Skyler White's actress then that's ok?


Which people?


This game was the closest thing to GTA on Gamecube when I didn't have PS2.


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Then make a game exposing how kikes ruin everything and not this Isekai fairytale autism that attracts the terminal online.


>b-but what about this other thing that wasn't brought up?!
Reddit down or something?






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Chinks have soul


I'll do the art but I'm not good at anything else
Tvch video game collab when


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We have to go back


Are they not related subjects?


If you think living like this is a dream, I just pity you.


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>If you think living like this is a dream, I just pity you.


You retarded reply don't even make sense, you are the one embracing a manchild life style.


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>>8777 (checked)
>You retarded reply don't even make sense, you are the one embracing a manchild life style.
Haven't you heard? Being a manchild with no life is fine so long as you seethe about rich and dajoos 24/7… then it's hecking BASED!!!


How could a NEET have a job?


What do you expect from some jewish halfwit?


yikes. Lurk ten thousand more years.


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Wrong, n33ts get welfare as long they're pushing for the right ideals. Have you seen the amount of mexcrements who are just sorry ass manchildren who think they're characters from Blood in Blood Out or American Me? Or praising shitacular leftover animes?


how do I get welfare to be a neet "tranny"
I will grow my hair out and flush the pills if need be


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You can also beg through your socials as long you're crying about how tyrannical capitalism and neoliberalism are.


Tell it to get a job and sell its iPhone for cash in the meantime.


Also, they can't really do shit to you if you don't pay your medical debt.


How can you be a "nonbinary" lesbian? Isn't the nonbinary shit a rejection of realitythe gender binary? And if you're "not a woman" how can you be a lesbian?


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/trannypol/ seething.


The spirit of gaming lives on, lets go Triple K Mafia bros.


Have sex, incel.


If even half the "people" bitching about maleborn failing in spectacular fashion bought the "game" it wouldn't have failed. Well, failed as badly at least.


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Why the fuck did they conceive their echochamber as an imageboard if tumblr and reddit already exist?

Klan members wear white because they're puritans, therefore sex is filth, KKK is an advocate for asexuality you DRUMPF supporter bigot.


Don't you understand this meme is ableist? If you believe in incels, people who're involuntarily celibate, is this not a disability? How does telling an incel to have sex differ from telling a paraplegic to walk?


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I killed it!


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Does gay sex count?


I think they canceled this guy.


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I fixed your shitty meme, my kike lover friend.


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He's a working class hero. A true blue collar man of the people. No wonder he makes moderators seethe.


The gay nigger.


Am I supposed to hate this? You improved it


stop trying to derail all threads and making them about yourself your our lost dad

they tried to take off his job, twice


games became gay when Cod was always against the russians as the enemy. Never will china or israel be an enemy in a war game. Fuck gayming.


The only games where we have Israel as an enemy were the ones made in the Middle East during the 2000s and 2010s
I remember I downloaded and played on the school computer with other kids during the 00s and when a Jewish professor found out about this he forced us to do a presentation on the Holocaust


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Millennials look like this, live like this and talk like this and still think they are better than us zoomerchads


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Which games? Newgrounds?

>Bodypillows with his comfort characters
>DnD shit
<Enlightened centrist
These people are the same who shit on Fortnite and Skibidi Toilet because its kosher to Reddit's standards but will be breathing down onto your neck for calling out their 20 year old faggotry that poisoned their minds.


The only difference between them and zoomers is they have been at that shit for at least 10 years longer.


Stop buying their games and maybe they will change their ways. It would help for you porn addicted faggots to go outside for a change.


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>porn addicted faggots
But Tencent's shit is so worth it.


Fake photo. Can't be real.


Just as fake as Sam collaborating with Destiny.


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>he doesn't know


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Of course he's running low on originality and decided to leech on the many altchans.


Gahoole paid him $10,000 to say that.


Surprised Sam didn't stutter, did Penn Jilette get paid when he mentioned this board?

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