Who's laughing now?
starfield got delayed another few months last I heard
the release date now is very late this year
>>322Reason why this game keeps getting pushed back is microsoft wants to launch a modding service for their console platform/PC along with this game that is supposed to compete with nexus mods. Now they're trying to incorporate AI powered tools since that's the new hot thing.'m betting on another shitshow on the level of the paid mods or xbox one launch.
>>1181>chemtrails even in a video gameOof, another new normal
The hell's a Starfield?
>>1187It's the funny cat that eats lasagne
>>1183>delayed againwhy are modern developers incapable of doing their jobs?
>>1192It's the game that will make or break Xbox, they are probably slaving over this game to avoid any sort of Cyberpunk situation
I'm not going to buy it, but I am looking forward to seeing how they fuck it up despite Todd talking about how they are supposedly making some good decisions with the title.
>>1184The great thing about such a slow moving board is both our posts will still be around when it does or doesn't happen later this year or early next year.
I honestly hope it flops hard enough to Microsoft remove he from Bugthesda.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Starfield is already confirmed GOTY!
Even the world critic is bowing down and paying tribute to Starfield.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Todd the conman does it again. What a legend. Only rivaled by Molyneux and Inafune.
>>3952It really was shit. I did not expect it to be this bad but it was far, far worse than anything in Skyrim. Skyrim is truly great by comparison.
>>3962Seriously. They somehow managed to make the Starfield NPCs LITERALLY uglier than Oblivion NPCs.
>>3963I mean, Fallout 4 blows away Starfield and I thought FO4 was a snoozefest.
>>3965Sheer laziness. Nasapunk and what this guy describes
>>3952 encompass the entire game. I guess Bethesda wanted to build a more repetitive, addictive, "grindy" game where little kids go around in circles building dumb, pointless settlements and spaceships with the same 40 parts or so, which will be refreshed periodically with dlc like a glorified Horse Armor. It's funny how the horse armor was immediately derided in 2006 and now the complete opposite is true. People now just swallow the shit without hesitation. Starfield is designed to be a pure waste of time. Bethesda saw trends elsewhere in gaming, like with the looter shooters, the dumb Fortnite and Apex Legends style shooters that are a inch deep and a mile wide, and decided to double down on their Fallout 4 settlement idea. All these game styles are designed to be pure dopamine addictions, like a rat utopia experiment. It probably requires less work and time. No need for writing or plot or planning. Just generate endless variations on a theme by an AI and write your ticket, collect the money, and run.
>Mass EffectCD Projekt Red was already bitching and complaining about how much "work" it takes to make a Mass Effect game. They've made hundreds of millions of dollars, maybe over a billion already, idk, but nevertheless they bitched and complained about having to do their jobs. Bioware tried to do their faggot ass gay game with Anthem and thankfully it failed and forced them to go back and do their jobs. Developers these days are just worthless. They need to be beaten with a whip at work.
>>3966Devs are lazy useless pieces of shit these days as they are only here to subvert gaming, not make games.
>>3966I don't think it was made to be a skinner box game like Destiny/Fortnite because those games have constant stimulation. Starfield is the opposite and has vast stretches of absolutely nothing. I have to assume they wasted a lot of time on the procedural generation and there was no time left to add handcrafted content (this is what happened with Andromeda, years lost on making randomized planets and as a result we got an unfinished game).
>>3965That's what happens when you replace anyone of any skill, talent or creativity with women, niggers and trannies to fill out the checkboxes on a list mandated by some hooknoses. Evil cannot create and all that. Not that it matters. The niggercattle bought soyfield and they'll buy ES6 no matter how shit.
>>3977TES 6 won't even have Jeremy Soule. Say what you want about Skyrim but the music was excellent. Now yet another OG TES guy is gone thanks to a few neon haired leftist whores.
the more I think about it the more I feel like Starfield is the worst videogame I ever played. Devs really can't make games anymore.
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>Channels with 3m subscribers are barely getting any views while shilling new Bugthesda channel
>Meanwhile some funny anti-shill dudes are showing up to dab on Todd and his reddit legion
Good timeline.
>>3981Sucks he hasn't seen work since 2019 and probably won't ever again. Oblivion is one of my favorite soundtracks, but he's made tons of great stuff over the years.
Does todd even make anything anymore?
>>4176Yes, he give awful ideas. See what he did with the Nords in Skyrim.
>>3984>the more I think about it the more I feel like Starfield is the worst videogame I ever played. Devs really can't make games anymore.American devs maybe. European and Asian developers have delivered ludo after ludo this year
>>4176After making his dream game, Starfield, he is now making his next dream game, an Indiana Jones game.
>>4347Imagine Starfield being your dream game. Grim.
>>4353What's worse is that almost everything that Todd has done, from climbing the corporate ladder, shilling Oblivion to the console peasants, selling and reselling Skyrim over and over, getting the Fallout IP, selling out to Microsoft, was all so that he could have enough power and pull in the company to make his dream game, only to find out that all the talent left, because he kept casualizing the games, and all his employees only knew about Skyrim and Fallout 4, while he wanted Morrowind in space.
>>4372Dude, Starshit is literally nothing but AI emulation. That's why you get the exact same 5 buildings 1000 times over on every planet with slight weather changes.
>>4371>>4372>>4712I said some dumb shit in an earlier post about how Starfield was delayed because they were probably stuck in a loop of jerking off to their own environmental storytelling and world-building and I was so completely wrong it's not even funny. Did they really spend ten years just un-optimizing geometry? No story. Every fallout game had a divisive story that causes arguments to this day. Nobody cares enough about starfield's story to bother. No exploration. Everything is pregen A.I designed. What did bethesda spend all that time on? Seriously though everyone should be asking what bethesda spent all that time doing. The game's output does not match the effort supposedly input. The rainbow brigade must have stacked the office and sat back for a free paycheque. The game is embarrassing as the supposed I.P of the new decade intended to engage players for years to come. Fallout 76 will do better than Starfield in a year.
>>3981>>4173listen closely and you can hear the
Soule No.4780
>>4733>I think Bethesda is just incompetentThat'll happen when you fill your staff with 99% diversity hires who's only interest in vidya is to shoehorn in as many niggers and faggots as possible. The two straight white men they have hidden away from twitter in the back who do all the work can't fix everything by themselves. As shit as skyrim is, it's leagues better then soyfield could ever hope to be just on the merit that not literally everything about it is complete shit. And to top off the shit sundae that women, faggots and niggers have managed to shit out for bethesda's fans it seems that even modders can't really fix it either.
>>4771I don't think I knew he worked on the music for that.
>>4826Maybe they are feeling pressure from Cyberpunk and No Man's Soy's post-launch improvements
>>4843Difference is CDPR knew Cyberpunk was something special and worth committing years to fixing/improving it, the story and world is interesting enough to build a franchise off of. I don't see Bethesda working for years to salvage Starfield when they can just do bare minimum QOL fixes, release Shattered Space, then move on to what people actually want (Elder Scrolls)
>>4826Too late. I uninstalled a long time ago and didn't even finish the game. Utterly shit game with nothing but emptiness in it. An awful idea…and it is infested with niggers.
>>4846The world maybe, but that's more to the already established lore from the TTG then anything CuckeDPR did. The story to 2077 was middling at best even when you ignore all the pozz.
Which I guess makes sense in a weird was for a dystopian shithole to be a bastion of diversity and inclusion. No.5055
>>5054CP2077 was very good. My only complaint was the forced tranny bartender but as you said, dystopia shithole.
>>5054>The story to 2077 was middling at bestIt's an average main story elevated by good characters, with god tier side quests and god tier DLC, so basically the Witcher 3 all over again.
>even when you ignore all the pozzThe diversity is actually diverse with whites, latinos, asians, indians etc. and not just black people and they are all flawed and interesting and not just a quirky diversity crew that can do no wrong. Plus hot chicks because CDPR knows what sells. It's worlds apart from Saints Row 5, Borderlands, Watchdogs etc.
>>5059>>5055reddit pls go
>>5065Take it easy on them. Their wife's boyfriend only lets them out of the cuckshed for a few hours a week. Of course they think cybercuck is a good game when they don't have anything to compare it to.
>>5065>>5072If Japan made it and 100 people played it you would be creaming your little shrimpdicks over it
But because it's a popular euro game, it's le bad
>>5073>if a developer that didn't focus on ESG compliance made the game it might have been goodCan't really argue with that logic.
>>5074Go play your based toddler nintendo games then. There is nothing upsetting in those for manchildren of all ages
>>5065>>5072/v/eddit faggots, here?
Fuck off back to
>>5073>>5075>>5078Nice tangents and projection faggot.
But I'm playing System Shock Remake and dabbing on you.
Cybershit will never be a good game.
>>5079You are a /v/eddit faggot. Kys.
>>5079>System Shock RemakeBoring game with nasty pixelshit graphics (intentionally low res, worse than System Shock 2 FOR NO REASON)
Back to your containment site
>>5081>>5078>not liking a shitty game filled with niggers, faggots and trannys means you're from redditFunny. Reddit loves those things. Are you sure you're not projecting a little there?
>>5094I'd sooner listen to reddit than /v/ (Mark or ZZZ)
Reddit = Generic opinions from average gamers
/v/ = Western derangement syndrome, tantrums over new games, mental illness
>>5095>I'd sooner listen to redditExplains why you're so defensive over robottrannygame.
>>5097You haven't explained why you don't like it you have just been whining and being passive aggressive. Why don't you just say what is on your mind? Why do little dummies on this site just talk in circles and never confront me and opinions…
>>5095>>5099>I'd sooner listen to reddit>Why do little dummies on this site just talk in circles and never confront me and opinionsDamn, look at that ego!
That's a redditor alright
>>5101Explain why Cyberpunk 2077: PL is a bad game
You can't because you haven't even played it, you are just repeating opinions from other retards on imageboards
>>5095Reddit opinions are only "generic" because the vast, vast majority of people are idiots. Just because they can sound more reasonable (lol no they don't) than /v/iggers at times doesn't make them any less retarded than the latter.
>>5094>he doesn't know what /v/eddit meanslurk moar, you zoomershit newfaggot scum.
>>5107>He doesn't know he's seethingIt's over
>>5108Explain why Cyberpunk 2077: PL is a bad game
>>5109Cope and seeth redditranny.
Lmao, TODD is using indians to give good reviews to Starfield on steam No.5118
>>5117>paying poos to give good reviews to soyfieldI wonder what the actual total Todd wasted on borefield is.
>>5117That review is written by an AI.
>>5117>Played for 6 hours>Never review any other games>Gives a good review for StarfieldI noticed that too, feels really fake, but nobody is really paying attention to this, but I noticed it since the score for Starfield have improved in the last two weeks. Probably all thanks to fake reviewers like that one.
Starslop lost, it's over for Bethesda.
>>5117>>5118>>5120Even looking at legit reviews it's bleak
>Vast majority say it's mediocre and give caveats to their positive review>Reviews excusing it as Bethesda (treating Bethesda like a eurojank studio)>Joke/one liner reviews>People just throwing out names of other irrelevant gamesIf you removed all these and only included true positive reviews, it would probably be closer to the 5% mark
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Another based channel dabbing on Todd and the redditors
>>5117Now they reached mixed reviews thanks to all those weird accounts giving it positive reviews
>>5167it's just an influx of reddit faggots after lib cocksuckers like Paul Tassi whined about the low score. Gaming journalists are vermin and deserve the Rosa Luxemburg treatment.
>>5167>>5170Are bots and Bugthesda fanboys actually buying the game again using another profile, then giving it a good review
and people making ironic positive reviews as a joke
>>516721Kiloton is great, he has a great video about how videogames aren't regulated like other entertainment mediums because of these gigantic companies lobbying and paying out the ass so they can pump out any kind of unfinished slop they want.
There's a shit storm happening right now among left-wingers who love Starfield vs multiple jewtubers who made videos saying shit about Bethesda and Starfield.
Lame drama, but really showing how pathetic Bethesda fanboys really are.
>>5183To be fair I don't think Bethesda lied anywhere in the marketing, they were just really sneaky with what they said and showed. There ARE 1000 planets, they are just all empty and recycle the same POIs. All the cities that they showed off in the deep dive are in the game but what they didn't say is that those are the only cities in the game, and there is literally nothing else of interest.
>>5233>I don't think Bethesda lied anywhere in the marketingThey lied about it being a game.
>>5254I'd be surprised if any game had organic reviews.
>>5316Another L for street shitters.
On a side note, it almost makes me want to get a copy so it doesn't get lost to censorship memory holes.
>>6175>satisfying final questHas bethesda games ever had that?
>>6195>They never do.Neither does anal sex, but who does that stop
>>6175>>6195At the very least, previous Bethesda games had final missions that feel appropriate for the ending of the game
>Go to the afterlife and kill a world devouring dragonFallout 3
>All out assault with a huge mechMeanwhile in Starfield you go to a non-descript location that looks exactly like the rest of the game and fight some trash mobs lol
>>6199I wouldn't call them satisfying though.
>Skyrim>map with more fog then usual>another generic dragon fight it just has a few unique attacks>can mostly do nothing because the NPCs will do most the work>good job you saved the world now go do radiant quests or buy the DLC
>Fallout 3>follow invincible NPC that does all the work until you get to building>fight trash mods until the last boss who's just a trash mob in unique armor>get called a pussy because you didn't sacrifice yourself and sent your companion who's immune/healed by radiation to turn off the radioactive water filter now buy the DLC No.6730
lol FNV fanboy seething and crying. Their shit overrated game got ruined and Starfield will get a DLC very soon.
>>6199Bethesda died after 2011.
>>6738>if shattered space is trashI don't mean to be a dick but why in the world would you hope for
Niggerfield dlc? You played that game, right? It's wrote ai emulation with infinity niggers. Even normal faggots have turned on it.
>>6740Starfield isn't fundamentally broken, the mechanics are there it's just boring, empty and repetitive. I could definitely see Bethesda turning it into a 6 or 7/10 if they humble themselves and listen to the fans. It's hard to see them turning the ship around but at the same time, I find it hard to believe Microsoft is just going to let "the Skyrim guys" make such an embarrassing shit game and not fix it
>>6741I think it
is fundamentally broken, but lorewise instead of mechanically
Elder Scrolls >>> Fallout >>>>>>>> Starfield
For any DLC to actually be interesting it would need to be transformative to the lore.
>>6743>For any DLC to actually be interesting it would need to be transformative to the lore.True, they should just trash it and start over really. Pull a Final Fantasy and just keep some of the elements but a new story with aliens and shit.
>>6743Elder Scrolls is overrated garbage, let's be honest here. All the hype is about the lore and the lore is a mess and for people who actually don't read fantasy neither philosophy
>>6762It's a mess since Oblivion because Kirkbride left.
Just like any creative though in any of Bethesdas employees have left their brains a long time ago.
>>6779Skyrim and Fallout 4 lack that feeling.
>>6792I'm not debating individual entries I'm talking broadly about Bethesda games. Skyrim was a phenomenon and yet in the decade since only one company tried making their own open-world first-person RPG (CDPR). Bethesda deserves to be trashed but the question really is why haven't other developers stepped up to the plate
>>6793Well Oblivion had a shitty clone that I played but barely remember other than it having a race of nigger japs (lol). Morrowind had Gothic which I never played but people claim is good. Then Skyrim came out in 2011 when game developers stopped trying.
>>6794If you mean Nehrim then that was a mod for Oblivion, and Gothic is third person. See what I mean? Bethesda is the only game in town
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?
>>6796Dark Messiah is linear, same with Deus Ex. They are both excellent but don't have the feeling of exploring a huge world and being able to go off in any direction. I don't say this to praise on Bethesda, it's just a fact and it's why they can keep selling their old games over and over.
>>6795lol no, Nehrim was actually good and had no chiggers. This game nailed the Oblivion aesthetic but sucked in every other aspect. My best memory of it was looking out across a river and seeing large reptiles creatures roaming around.
>>6911Elon was in Fallout 4?
>>6912he's from a lore-friendly Creation Club mod
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Bethesda fanboy tried to kill Dup after ex-president and Fallout New Vegas fan said "They should fire Emil and Todd, they can't make good games."
>>8458Crooks was a Fallout fan?
Imagine if you will ever act against online trolling and you will be happy?
I really want trolling gone in the aftermath of a few threads. Mods here had said these trolls are persistent in hurtful/abusive comments and keep evading bans. This is why I want to impose a rule on this board, if any. Please refer to Global Rules before posting here.
So, what is it?
Imagine you're watching a YouTube video when you notice that people have posted nasty comments to try to start an argument - this is an example of online trolling. An online troll is a person who tries to start arguments by posting mean or controversial content online.
Why do people do it?
There has been little research to date on the causes, motivations and effects of trolling. There have been some high-profile cases of trolling targeted towards celebrities in the media but it's important to remember that it can happen to anyone. Research has found that the common motivations behind online trolling can be categorised into 'boredom, attention seeking and revenge'. (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010)
Is it illegal?
Online trolling is a type of cyberbullying behaviour; there are several different laws that make acts of trolling illegal:
The Malicious Communications Act (1988) states it is illegal to cause distress or harm to another through electronic communication.
The Prevention from Harassment Act (1997) states that it is a criminal offense to harass others online.
The Communications Act (2003) states that it is criminal to send, via any electronic communication, a message which is deemed grossly offensive or menacing.
The impact of Cyberbullying Behaviour
In the BBC's 'Odd One Out' documentary (2019), Jesy Nelson of Little Mix talks to The Diana Award about her experience of cyberbullying behaviour and the affect this had on her mental health.
"The words people use and whether they chose to use them positively or negatively have a permanency and they stick with us" - Jesy Nelson
Top tips if you experience online trolling
1- Screenshot.
Screenshot evidence of bullying behaviour so you can show a teacher, parent/carer or other responsible adult what is happening. However, never screenshot inappropriate/illicit photos because it's a criminal offense to have inappropriate pictures of someone under the age of 18 on any device.
2- Report, then block.
Once you have saved the evidence, report the post. Most social media apps have a way to report a photo, video, post, status, etc. They will sometimes ask you to explain why you are reporting the content and, most of the time, it is completely anonymous to report someone. Then, we recommend blocking them to avoid further online communication.
3- Tell someone.
Cyberbullying behaviour can make you feel powerless and isolated. Let someone know what has happened and talk it through with them. A problem shared is a problem halved. This can be a friend, family or teacher. If you fear someone is experiencing cyberbullying behaviour, ask them if they are ok and if they want to talk about it. Never forced them to but let them know you will always be there for them.
4- Do not reply.
The motivations behind cyberbullying behaviour can be boredom and seeking attention (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010). Therefore, do not give them the attention they are craving, ignore the comment and do not reply. If you engage with the person exhibiting the bullying behaviour, it could get worse and you could say something in the heat of the moment you later regret.
Top tips if you see trolling online:
1- Be an Upstander.
Never laugh along or encourage online trolling. An upstander is someone who takes action when they see that something is not right. If you see trolling happen online, you do not have to confront the individual - instead, you can make a responsible adult aware or report the content they are sharing. If you feel safe to do so, you can ask them why they posted the hurtful content and ask them to take it down.
2- Understand the impact.
Ask the person who is trolling online if they understand the impact trolling can have. You can direct them to watch Jessy Nelson's documentary on her own experience - this may give them a better insight into the real impact of trolling.
3- Enlist help from others.
Enlist the help of moderators on social media. If you do not feel comfortable confronting someone about their trolling directly, report their comments/posts on that social media platform. Moderators have the power to remove comments that violate their terms and conditions - for example, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram all have this option.
4- Report the post/comment/photo.
Report the online trolling to the social media or gaming site. This means that the platform or gaming site can ban them from the site and stop them making further comments.
Further Support:==
The Diana Award Crisis Messenger provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are a young person in crisis, you can text DA to 85258. Trained volunteers will listen to how you're feeling and help you think the next step towards feeling better.
You can also contact Childline by calling 0800 1111.
>>8463Act now on trolling.
>>8463Act now on trolling.
>>8627>recent daysThey've been getting BTFO for a while. When was the last time bethesda made a good game? Oblivion? And they've never made a good Fallout. Sure scrodim was popular among the mindless nigger cattle, but that had nothing to do with the game's quality.
>>8633No, the problem with them is that everyone person with any inkling of talent or skill
White and Asian men left or was fired years ago and was replaced by diversity hires who's degrees are in gender studies or something equally as useless.
>the standard CDPR set nearly a decade agoWas that the game where they had Geralt telling a man in a dress he was valid and anyone that couldn't accept him as a strong wymin was an alt-right nazi bigot?
Bethesda fanboys are acting like Nintodllers, they get really fucking defensive if anyone dares to have any small criticism about Todd and his shitty games.
>>8672Xbots don't eat dicks. They swallow them whole.
>>8811Who are you quoting?
New DLC is out
I will be buying multiple copies only to make Bethesda haters seethe
>>9193Soon their pajeet and soy fanboys will be buying the game again and again to give a good review like they already did with the base game.
Honestly bethesda fanboys are as mantally ill as nintoddlers
>>9193>shartted spaceThis game is fascinating in a way. It's so bad even bethesda's modding community gave up like a month in and those retarded troons have been desperately trying to polish the turd that is skyrim for more then a decade now.
>>9200<what if we just made a shitty game good and did all the work for the devs<hell lets give any money we could make to the devsWhy are todays people so fucking dumb? I get its propaganda but it reminds me of donating to a streamer, what the fuck do these people do? They play fucking video games and record it, why is that, why the fuck should that be a job? I hate the modern internet and what it has become. Thanks a lot to classical pioneers of e-begging like reviewtechUSA and others for helping create a pathway to the biggest faggotry in all of history.
>>9201>Why are todays people so fucking dumb?Generations of the electric jew slowly decreasing attentions spans and almost complete lack of any form of natural selection.
Bethesda fanboys are mentally ill as fuck, they are really fucking defensive about anything shitted by their fav game company.
The only thing other than they and the mods still giving Bethesda any relevance are Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, because Todd and Emil can't create anything good.
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Bugtheda soybros????
>>9216>>9200I'm generally in favor of new IP over rehashing the same old shit, but they really should've just made a real elder scrolls 6 instead of starfield
starfield and fallout 76 have totally tanked consumer faith in bethesda studios, which was already turning rocky after the initial skyrim honeymoon ended
of course, we know why they didn't ever make ES6
>>9231As someone who used to hang out with a bunch of Elder Scrolls lore fags who lived to discuss TES is particularly funny how they've been progressing through cope and the realization that they have spent too much of their lives investing in studying something that is practically dead.
ESO used to be hated, especially by these lorefags, but for the last four years they've been wallowing in this crap because Bethesda is too incompetent to give them anything else.
If Bethesda were at least as smart as GW they would be shitting out book after book in the TES universe.
>>9232Guild wars has books?
>>9233Honestly the last time I saw anyone talking about Guild Wars was back in 2010
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Is so fucking over, Crapthesda sisters…
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Todd lost
Trump won
>>9231>I'm generally in favor of new IP over rehashing the same old shit, but they really should've just made a real elder scrolls 6 instead of starfieldStarfield's issue is it's a fucking boring universe, why would anyone want to play a sci-fi RPG with no aliens, A.I, cloning, genetic modification etc. nothing interesting whatsoever? And to make it even worse it doesn't even have the justification of being "hard sci-fi", no it's just fucking dull for no reason because they wanted to make it like that. I'd actually prefer a new sci-fi RPG from Bethesda over TES6 / Fallout 5 but not the boring shit they came out with.
>>10080>it's just fucking dull for no reason because they wanted to make it like thatNo it's like that because they don't have the skill to make anything but dull shit anymore. There's no imagination or creativity because their concern when hiring isn't ability, but being a nigger, woman or tranny. What was the last game they've shit out that wasn't carried by the lore/world building already established by far more talented writers that are long gone? Oblivion?
>>10084>No it's like that because they don't have the skill to make anything but dull shit anymore.Yeah but even Bethesda's mediocre writers could ctrl+c ctrl+v Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica or any popular sci-fi and come up with something half decent. Todd kneecapped the project the moment he decided it was "NASApunk" (no fun allowed)
>>10085>even Bethesda's mediocre writers could ctrl+c ctrl+v Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica or any popular sci-fi and come up with something half decentI disagree. Even with the franchises they own they can't do that. Skyrim was dull dog shit, FO4 was dull dog shit, FO76 was the pinnacle of dull dog shit that even the bethesda taint suckers couldn't deny until soyfield came along.
>NASApunkWhat is that even suppose to mean? That it looks like shit made by NASA? That's it's "realistic?" Because the magical space powers and alternate dimensions would negate any claim to realism.
>>10087>I disagree. Even with the franchises they own they can't do that. Skyrim was dull dog shit, FO4 was dull dog shitSkyrim and Fallout 4 are still more interesting than Starfield even if they are coasting off their respective franchises
>What is that even suppose to mean? That it looks like shit made by NASA? That's it's "realistic?" Because the magical space powers and alternate dimensions would negate any claim to realism.Yeah that's what I'm saying… they went for a boring "hard sci-fi" universe, but didn't put it any of the realism that makes hard sci-fi interesting, so it ends up worst of both worlds.
>>10088I still can't believe they spent years and years making the first entry in a new franchise instead of making elder scrolls 6 like everyone wanted, and they didn't bother making it interesting
it's like they had to go out of their way to make the game shit
>>10093The fact is oblivion was the last okay Elder Scrolls game, that game is nearly 20 years old.
>>10093Skyrim was 13 years ago. Bugthesda is fucked.
Am I the only one here who thinks Oblivion is a mediocre game? I don't have the nostalgia glasses to idolize this game.
>>10096>Skyrim was 13 years agoThe original release, re-release, re-re-release, or the re-re-re-release?
>>10102Plenty of anons probably think it is, a loy of anons love Morrowind on its place.
>>10102In some ways it definitely is, but it's still better than the modern garbage they make. While it did try to tone down a lot of the uniqueness of the setting to capitalize on the success of the Lord of the Rings movies, it also did try to incrementally improve on certain elements of Morrowind (Schedules, NPCs traveling between cells, physics, etc.) In the end it's still an inferior game to Morrowind but it was a new entry in a series back when people were still innovating.
At this point in time Skyrim actually is a masterpiece compared to games being released in current year.
>>10213>At this point in time Skyrim actually is a masterpiece compared to games being released in current year.Skyrim is one of the most boring, bland, nothings of a game I've ever pirated. It's really depressing that despite it's complete lack of good qualities it's still leagues better then 99% of the slop that's been getting shit out for the last 10 years.
>>10234At least you can make skyrim somewhat okay with the right mods.
>>10241I can't imagine all the mods in the world would do much good to fixt the boring combat, boring leveling system, boring "role playing," boring quest, dungeon and world designs, boring writing, boring factions.
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