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this is a black thing, isn't it?


>oy vey goyim you better hire us to make sure your new game is (((culturally sensitive)))
<game hits steam top sellers
I haven't seen much outside of SBI crying like the diaper shitting adult toddlers they are because the dev wouldn't hire them to shove niggers everywhere, so I have no idea if the game will be good or not. But if it succeeding causes trannys on twitter to have a meltdown then I wish the dev all the luck in the world.


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USA getting absolutely BTFO by chinkoid commies will never not be funny.


I do think it's going to be at least a decent game and it was nice that they btfo'd DEI (which might or might not have been a publicity stunt). But the retards larping as lifelong fans of the 1986 PRC show that the game intentionally pays some homage to are getting obnoxious. These "I liked monke kong before it was cool hurr durr" hipsters weren't even alive in 1986.


>the 1986 PRC show that the game intentionally pays some homage to
You'd think they be pretending to have read Journey to the West. It's the more obvious choice for tourists.


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>It's all old lefties vs current lefties


I just remember that a few weeks ago an anon here was raging against Monkey gookgame.


There seems to be a wild redditroon or two that got out of their cucksheds and aren't use to places that don't worship cooperate DEI mandates.


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The chinks won, it's over for Amerijews

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