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>Black Myth
Are the chinks setting the record straight about the BBC?


>game is popluar
It's a shitpost, right? Right?


Is this the new Samus is a Tranny?


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Nintendo was ahead of the curve when they came out with Samus in her Zero Suit, disproving the retards who say this.


Not really. With Samus it was trying to claim a legacy vidya character. With Wukong it's because the game is popular right now or hopefully it's just someone shitposting making fun of how troons try to claim everyone in a tranny.


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Fuck no, that's even funnier.

The thing is: If the female character is pretty enough trannies will appropriate it because that's how they want to see themselves as and not the mutilated crossdressing abominations they really are.


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Ramon Coon.


>sheeeit nigga ramon wuz black'n sheeeit

Niggers taking credit for white inventions is so tiresome.


This guy spammed an image I hate with a passion, PERMABAN them for it


The quickest way to stop the spam is for you to drink the stuff you mom keeps under the sink. Just start chugging every bottle and one of them will fix the problem.


Kinky haired, big nosed, brown eyed nigger coon is Ramon coon. Get over it, troon.


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you love your nigger.


Get the mods to stop them rn


I don't care about your tantrum over an image, faggot. You go cry to the mods if you care so much.


>Ramon coon


>throws a hissy fit every time he sees an image he doesn't like


all the shills yapping their trap about this chinkware yet not even a single in game pic has been posted, not even gameplay. sus


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>throws a hissy fit every time someone dunks on his coon.


Sorry to say this, but Gahoole isn't gay neither an incel anymore, your sick obsession with having sex with him could never be realized anyway, Paquito.
Try to stay on topic or your posts will be deleted again and you will seethe hard and spam blacked again crying about the vols.




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Gahoole is a virgin but at least he isn't a homosexual like you Moliberry coon troons.


Damn, essayfag is right, you are a gaycel, Nuzach. A spic dreaming about Gahoole's dick fucking your large brown ass.


Very few people outside of the sinosphere (which includes the SEAnigger territories) have even played the game. This is why there is currently a concerted push on YouTube etc praising the game and saying that westerners should not be afraid to try it. Since its release the trannies like in OP's pic are the only westerners even making any mention of the game.


Is this a bot or a pajeet/jew doing it now? The bot only created threads with the same text. And this new CPposting started after the local lolcow got more demented than usual.


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its jewzach


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Capcom already made a sex-swapped version of that character decades ago.

(Well, I guess she's technically supposed to be his granddaughter, but whatever.)


Cute autistic monk girl


The chinks themselves made a sequel set 200 years after the original novel which the game very obviously wanted to homage. It was published in the 17th century. Just like in the game, the sequel's monkey is a different one but also born on the same mountain and basically retraced every single one of the original Wukong's steps, and then got the OG's spirit bestowed unto him.


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>The sequel's monkey is a different one but also born on the same mountain and basically retraced every single one of the original Wukong's steps, and then got the OG's spirit bestowed unto him.



Okay, very based.

Crapcom is a californian company at this point, just wait and see how crap their new stuff will be.

She has a nice nose for an angloidjew, but the face is gross, including her ears. And her eyes are just pure crazy.

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