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File: 1724908303688.jpg (261.82 KB, 1918x1023, 1918:1023, oddity.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


It's never coming out, is it?


Yeah it probably never will, fuck kiketendo.


I'm coming out, though. I'm queer as a three dollar bill and worth half as much. I whore myself out to black men at the local ghetto gloryhole.


>I'm a gay jew



Ew. Probably worse than your self-admitted BBC addiction tbh.




File: 1725352566705.png (522.33 KB, 640x668, 160:167, Stresstal.png) ImgOps iqdb

Jewzach, being the "oldfag" you claim to be you should know that derailing every thread because you're a subhuman with low T is not funny.
You just appear bitter and emotionally weak and undisciplined.

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