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What the fuck is going on with capcom ?


(((Westernization))) and DEI.


Its over


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>Shits out a new DLC characters that rapes the meta
<Won't fix the lagging servers
<Microtransactions at every fucking corner
Shit Fighter 5 should've been free 2 play since the beginning.


>Shit Fighter 5 should've been free 2 play since the beginning.
After how fucking awful 4 was, the faggots that still like the series deserve to get nickel and dimed by Cuckcom for every last cent.


4 is great still play it


Crapcom saw the potential of nostalgiafaggotry and shit out SF4, despite everyone was burned out over the franchise getting milked into dust.

>SF4 is pretty gud
Because they stopped updating it and jumped ship, how long until the 5th one is considered good after the 6th entry shits itself through slop updates?


Usf4 was a fair balance


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which was the one where her boobs jiggled?


You mean the one with her nipples poking out of her outfit, it was in the fifth entry if I bad remember.


the only decent thing about it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Whoring the token female characters
The only redeemable thing they had, but they had to cater to lefties as usual.


Did they remove the jiggling, thong/cleavage costumes, and hard nips from VI?


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>cater to lefties
I assure you lefties have no respect for the most rehashed, money-grubbing, consumer whore genre in video games. Commercial fighting games are one of the purest expressions of capitalist rent seeking.


Maybe leftists 100 years ago. Have you been living under a rock?


leftists worship smash bros though


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I'm sure if we continue to explore this assertion I'll eventually have you pointing to a bunch of liberals and calling them "leftists". You don't have to agree with leftists to get educated enough to understand the difference, anon.


The thing with liberals and lefties is that both want to stay as the most moralistic puritans while sinking down their countries into the shitter, how do you explain the porn industry ruled by them? How do you explain their fool proof tactics of giving away free money (welfare) and hosting retarded circuses (psyops, sports tournaments, censored to shit entertainment) to keep their cattle in check?


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Well that didn't take long at all. Continue wallowing in your own ignorance anon.


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There is absolutely no difference between liberals and leftists. They are both on the exact same moral trajectory. "Liberals" so-called are a bit less predisposed towards violence but that is entirely conditional. In matters of race, sex, fags, immigration, religion of whatever type, culture generally speaking, they are exactly identical. "Leftists" proper would prefer a more direct centralization whereas liberals want a slow-boil towards the exact same centralization of economy via money-printing. Adam Tooze is a perfect example of what I am talking about. He identified as a true "leftist" in his pre-Trump books, in his great book Deluge he implied he was against the allies. Guess what happend when Trump won? Everything he's written since has been odes to the heroics of Hillary Clinton and the "radicalism" of Joe Biden. You people are really pathetic with this blatantly fraudulent, downright baseless and dumbshit differentiation between "liberal" and "leftist." There is none.

Or since we are discussing videogames, take Gamergate. Another perfect example. You have all these "leftists" like that repulsive, moralizing cunt Alyssa Mercante…doing what? Doing exactly what all the supposed "leftists" have been doing since 2014; slow march through the publisher and developer institutions, and then complain about the Nazis when your sales tank. Leftists complaining about not making money! They thought they could capture everything ideologically the ram it down onto the masses…but to do that they have to make money to keep the rent seeking vehicle towards their utopia afloat! The irony! And are we any closer? No, of course not. That's because there is no difference between the two. The past century of Gramscian and Althusserian "slow marching" has utterly exposed the sameness of you. You are the same Slave Morality. There is no such thing as Communism or a Utopia. Your ends would only ever end in total cultural dissolution into nothing which is what we see in America today, a post-Gramscian society where leftists have captured everything, and to what end? Massive inflation, economic collapse, and unending harangues about nigger loving and troons. SLAVE MORALITY.


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>take Gamergate
Oh you mean the thing supported by socialists and anarchists in addition to people with all sorts of other political views? Or are you now seriously trying to revise history and pretend it was only (or even primarily) right-wingers?


You're just a stupidass /trannypol/ cunt. You're going to sit your faggot leftist ass here and pretend like all those leftists who captured the gaming industry and are constantly shilling socialism, women, niggers, and troons everywhere are not "true" leftists because of some faggot ass purity spiral you pulled out of your faggot leftist ass.


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Anon I would be all too happy if the games industry were actually shilling socialism. Socialism as in: the workers taking over the means of production and directing work democratically. In fact I guarantee the fighting games genre would be in a better place for the players if it were developed in this manner. Of course, that isn't what the games industry is shilling. And it won't be any time soon, because the games industry is controlled by ruthless capitalists telling the workers what to make, squeezing as much profit out of their labor and your purchases as they can, the same as any other industry. They will, however, push meaningless identity politics from HR departments in order to pit workers against one another and crack worker solidarity, to which ignorant ideologues like yourself will respond by conflating with "leftism" and jerk yourself off over your own ignorance.

And then the final stroke: when a fellow anonymous image board user and video game enthusiast-who actually holds the same disdain as you for asinine identity politics in their video games-calls out on your ignorance on the subject, your response is to lash out at them, assume they're in league with the enemy, direct a flurry of straw men, etc. Divide et impera, anon. Keep getting played.

At the end of the day modern Street Fighter is still shit and no amount of tits or idpol pandering is going to save it from the problems inherent in its business model: commercial fighting games are about forcing purchases on a captured audience.


It's like I originally said then…you've been living under a rock.


Get the fuck out you leftist kike. I can see the communist language in all of your posts. Ganergate began as a personal war by the right-wing anons of late old 4chan against the kikes in the video games industry. It was a total war until e-celebs took it and turned it into the failure that resulted in old internet culture being a simple export for normalniggers.


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FGC paypiggies get milked so I can get my Resident Evil / MonHun kino, sad but has to be done


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Lefties consume shit from their overlords as long they fall in line or pushing the message, for fuck's sake, browse any inbreedtuber and you'll see they love Rockstar for pushing leftwing ideals in their collect a-ton games or believing that Bing Bing Wahoo is about the working class btfo oligarchs.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Purged vtumors

>thing supported by socialists and anarchists in addition to people with all sorts of other political views?
In which they'd back away after realizing that GamerGate was ran by /v/irgins.


>for fuck's sake
You can always anticipate some kind of special pleading is about to ensue when this is uttered.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
How much evidence is required to show the true nature of lefties? For example with vid related, the guy is aware that Rockstar is cancer but it doesn't matter since they're pushing the message to all the naive.



It's going to take a lot more than special pleading to transform anecdotal evidence into a systematic critique. Especially when your burgerbrain is having great difficulty distinguishing between liberalism and leftism.


<Purged vtumors
they came to a licensing agreement 6 months later, unfortunately

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