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File: 1727157557764.png (555.14 KB, 810x877, 810:877, damn.png) ImgOps iqdb



>market a game with tits and ass

>people who are sick of women in games looking like trannys get excited
>get basedny to publish it and make it a nogames6 exclusive is it up to 6 or is it still 5?
>censor titty and ass game day one because landwhales and troons at basedny tells you
>customers angry about censorship
>"no you don't understand we always meant to censor the game! we just released the game uncensored and promoted it without the censorship because we knew that would get more preorders"
>go public
>start hiring ESG/DEI/BRIDGE employees
I don't think I've ever seen a studio go from having a ton o f goodwill to cucked DEI slop so quick. Rest in piss. Literally the only game I know of from them is Stellar Blade, but the censorship and retarded damage control made me lose interest. Would have been less cucked if they had come right out and admitted they got bullied by trannys and ugly women in commiefornia into censoring their game or they weren't going to get basedny's ESGbux.


koreans will always be last place, china and japan will BTFO them until the end of time


Shame because the game was pretty good, koreans always cuck hard, except some lolicon freaks that run gatcha games apparently.


File: 1727235501823-0.png (442.88 KB, 932x370, 466:185, The creator of Skullgirls.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1727235501823-1.png (805.83 KB, 1490x1116, 745:558, Skullgirls update.png) ImgOps iqdb

>/v/rings got duped

Because that's the only redeemable thing they have for Gatcha cancer.


Of fucking course. They want to be liked by America so bad they even gaslighted themselves into wanting to convert to literal Judaism.


File: 1727314170786.jpg (53.5 KB, 960x746, 480:373, Kim Jong Icarly episode.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Didn't the feminist dykes end up sending military secrets to North Korea? They really want a tight dogleash by the well intended.

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