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Someone has been zoomer-meowing.


That dude has a really big jaw.


LeoPirate said the game is good, you should trust at him.


pretty sure he hates all modern gaymes cause they suck ass.


I don't give a shit


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If you even consider paying, let alone playing, this god awful horse shit, very strongly consider killing yourself and then go do it. Fuck Bloober and fuck this scam.


New Vegas and Darkest Dungeon are the only games i've paid for since 2016.


thoughts on grim dawn and diablo 2-likes?


Why on earth would you pay for new vegas?


maybe he bought a physical copy anon.


I'd rather pay for games than run malware on my system, but to each his own. I save plenty of money pirating everything else.


you can find good game repacks anon, I could send you a couple if you really wanted. https://fitgirl-repacks.site/ comes to mind as an example.


Good to know. Thank you.


Lmao, some faggots are getting really butthurt with any small criticism about this remake. Even muslims are blowing themselves if you dare to say anything negative about this pozzed slop.


Stronk woman


I'll pirate it, not sure about fitgirl >>9206 though, i dont want to install a anoter cryptominer


Let me guess
>better graphical fidelity
<worse character design, lighting, world design, overall aesthetic
>better sound quality
<worse writing, voice acting, music, sound design
<3x the current price of the original
<4x the file size of the original
<made by a bunch of fart huffing californian communits who think they know better then the original devs


the site I sent you is the real fitgirl site, no miners should be there.
You missed one thing, it was done by a punch of Polish cucks instead of >american communist faggots.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The bliss ending is kino.
It's me and Ashley boettcher.


He also said its okay to be a furfag and a faggot as long you are a "real" christian, forget the real world, wait for the gift of heaven. Don't do anything IRL about IRL problems, just wait for heaven, bro.


I actually watched his stream, he said the game was really bad, also pretty sure he isn't a furry.

Not a fan of his Christian beliefs but even he doesn't say to completely forget about the actual world if you watch the entire things through.


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>Polish cucks
So much for the le bigoted and islamophobic country.


They literally chose to murder ethnic Germans rather than aid them against the parasites living and oppressing them for almost 600 years, not all Poles are like this but a ton are pathetic.


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>LeoPirate isnt a furry
Are you friends with him now to sweep so much?


Didn't he get caught simping for some tranny?


Synthetic Man and Boulder Punch are the only ones I've seen being critical of the game and getting hated for it.
The autistic guy that some faggots used to like so many years ago on 8chan and 4chan literally cried talking about how good the game is.

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