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They ruined Eddie.
I can tell a woman is behind the nu Eddie. He look like a incel with a beta voice. And women are afraid of that.


This is not worth making a thread about, nigger


The game is being a big success, anti-woketards are btfo'd eternally. I brought six copies already.


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They turned Eddie into Gahoole…


>haha everyone's a retarded shit eater, take that nazis!


Bros… is the game selling well? Lots of ecelebs praising it. We will lost this one???


I don't know about selling well, I haven't looked at that, but there is a retarded amount of praise for a shitty product. For whatever fucking reason, everyone overlooks how the devs shit-talked the original game and the fans, circlejerking themselves over how much better they were going to be with their version of the game. People outright ignore the lagging, the pixelated fog, the bad character modeling, the bad lighting, EVERYTHING, these dumb fuckers are ignoring EVERYTHING WRONG with this fucking game and what these FUCKERS did, and are just willing to let them get away with it for the sake of being on a hype bandwagon. There's too many retards and this world needs a culling into the millions.


It's Dup.


Lot of trannies praising it for the sake of destroying everything good.


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Pic related it was i expected from a Eddie remake.



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If you try to be original and tell the truth to the cattle they will get confused and shit all over the place.


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On 4chan the silent hill 2 thread are made by bots. Not ai.
Same reply in every thread.


I really love the Misaka look they gave all the females in nugames, aka soy giga jaw.


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Mikasa look, ahh AOT's final seasons were such nuime trash.


Is Soylent Hill shit?


Apparently it's GOTY according to many redditors and pajeets.


There is no justice in this world.


kek, the aftermath of gamergate really did ruin video games and the internet, kekistan and dup just danced on its grave, today its a continual celebration of the death of things that were once good/denigration of good things. Its why they make these shitty NU-makes. Suprised minecraft hasn't gotten a proper numake though I support making the mobile verison the main game is numake enough.


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Last of Us 2 won best family friendly and fighting genres. GOATSE awards became another star spangling shill campaign, just like with Nickelodeon's Chid's Choice awards.

No need for a remake when you could just mutilate the whole thing into a live update, similar examples have to be:
>Kamala Harris' update for World of Warcraft
>Martin Luther Kang map for Fornite
>Cuckstar momentarily shutting down servers for the main kneeled nigger


I've always wondered what Minecraft 2 will look like
it would make billions of dollars no matter what, so eventually it will be made, but if Microsoft doesn't somehow justify the sales price they're also get a lot of negative PR
Mods already do everything a normal sequel would do


Basically MC but more useless crap.


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Or just selling the rom itself.

What Fortnite came to be?

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