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Same issue plaguing Hollywood and every sector of society. Studios are bloated to shit nowadays with useless fucking positions like DEI consultants, monetization specialists and brand strategists. What happened to the fucking games and the people who make them??


Anyone who doesn't think like them gets (((replaced))) and now these hipsters are complaining because they're next on the chopping block by Ai.




Kikes, feminist women and niggers. Also some really retarded white guys deserve to be blamed too, especially in Bethesda.
Redditors will say it's "Muh capitalism, muh shareholders" but isn't.


There's a reason Redditors always seethe when you remind them that even China is now capitalist.


Are they still coping about Sweden and Norway being socialist?


Their wet dreams is to move out to Denmark but never talk about how great Venezuela has gotten in the past 25 years.


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Right, so unfinished games, games turned into shallow episodic cinematic garbage with no replay value, microtransactions, DRM, pay-to-win, glorified gambling simulators… All reactions to dropping profitability as the industry comes up with innovations to reduce labor, all a product of capitalist game development… But none of these' are problems with games? No, the cancer killing games is solely forced diversity in developers and storytelling.

When are you gonna wake up and look around anon?


The popularization of PC gaming has led to most people rotating between their multiplayer game of choice, for instance Counter-Strike, and any variety of $5-10 games like Terraria and just playing those for 10000 hours. Gaming has been solved for most people.


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Monetization and DEI are symptoms of the same problem (entitlement). Shareholders think they are entitled to all your time and money and you will be a paypig for them while they provide less and less entertainment. Woke devs think they are entitled to praise and employment for making stuff that the vast majority of people aren't interested in.

Neither will go away until AAA humbles itself and starts trying to appeal to customers rather than tell customers what they like


Yeah this is all by design you dumb retarded leftist faggot. They do it cause they can, because modern gamers are subhuman retards. Gaming is ruined because its no longer made by High IQ nips and whites that want to make good games, its now made by leftist tranny freaks and jews who want to turn it into slop like you just said before. It doesn't matter if it didn't make money cause thats not even the point anymore, the point is control, the point is demoralization. Modern gamers want to pay to win and think its normal, just like they think its normal to paypig an e-celeb fot looking into a camera.

Leftist are split into two types, either the most retarded subhumans alive, or they are jews gaslighting. Jews are behind this corperate sterilization of gaming and yet they pretend race doesn't matter when jews clearly believe that it does, almost like its by design trying to make you not think about it. And just like this they are also often the ones leading the communist revolutions against these systems they make, reallt makes one think….


>Neither will go away until AAA humbles itself and starts trying to appeal to customers rather than tell customers what they like

It will never happen because it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, they have infinite resources, they will turn out trash and they will be paid in (((spades))) by black rock or whatever jewish money coven flavor of the day.

The only way to have a decent unpozzed game is to make one yourself, support an actually based dev which is rarer than most things on earth, or keep preserving and playing the classics. AAA, all of gaming is dead.


It was really nice….when it was just whites…


This is why I side with Nintendo, they continue to consistently publish fun and moving game experiences, even if they lag behind with the graphics.


Kiketendo is shit as well, I hate their new bloom effects and their anti-emulation practices despite the fact that the switch is an overpriced defective piece of shit.


No one in gaming industry is really your friend, only the pirates that preserve shit/emulator devs can be considered remotely close to being "based and redpilled."


>the switch is an overpriced defective piece of shit.
I've 2 OLED Switches and one regular in my fam, and we've never had a problem.


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>Kiketendo is shit as well


Kirby anime was kino


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>AAA, all of gaming is dead.
There's at least one good game roughly every month, it's more than enough unless you are a turboNEET, not even counting big RPGs and shit that take 2+ months to finish. I'm playing Space Marine 2 at the moment and it's tight


>There's at least one good game roughly every month
more like every 6 months
>it's more than enough unless you are a turboNEET
You could also always not pay

I agree that Space Marine 2 is a decent game. But its not what the majority of games are today.


the Kirby anime was the final work of a industry veteran who mainly wrote scripts for a lot of the best anime of the 70s and 80s (particularly mecha)


*final major work


No wonder it was so fucking good. Kirby's maker said he wanted both children and adults to be able to enjoy. I watched the anime when it first came out English dub and even managed to enjoy the 4kids stuff since the actors were decent enough. I watched the sub years ago and found it a compelling little trip.


I need to watch this. I really enjoyed Forgotten Land, it was shockingly good and I still haven't played the aftergame.


Without really spoiling it the show weaves in a metaphor for the post WWII world, Japan's (((Americanization))), and yes the main bad guy is a literal stand-in for the jews. Its also an odd show because it gives many of the adult/side characters oddly compelling personalities and back-stories. The villagers of dreamland seem like real people. It is still a monster of a week show, and mainly for kids, but watch a few episodes a week, its a fun watch. It certainly peaked my nostalgic interest.


I'm debating whether to go with the sub or the dub. Was anything censored or cut from the dub?

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