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You don't see pepe much anymore…:(


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>Pepe is banned from Reddit.


I have to browse 4cuck because this place is so bad now.


You've been complaining about it for 3 years now. I wonder if you have an agenda.


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>Demoralization thread.


>Sage kike
Sage negated, kike.


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>Sage negated, kike.
hehe forgot to sage


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>You don't see pepe much anymore…:(


Another cuckchan thread. Its over for tvch.


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>I'm the sagekike now.


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>Sage negated, kike.


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Go fuck Kai in his butthole, fatass.


I made that one. KEK
You deleted your weak ass posts then stole my AI pic.


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>he doesn't deny it


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>I'm Troonin' Out OOh AAh OOh


ITT AI kino and nuzach seething


Average JIDF


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Okay guys, I need to fit in with some zoomers since I'm stalking my ex-gf pretending to be another man on tinder.

I'm larping as a zoomer

So please, give me some help, how I can do it better?

any nice lingo and slangs?


Stop talking your gf


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Why? We are talking almost every day now, not just with me pretending to be a Nigerian, but with my own discord/telegram/ account.

6am, she said she was too tired and needed to sleep.

Until 10am she was on tinder, online, even talking to my 23 years old Nigerian fake acc.

Now she show up again on telegram, saying she had a nap, when in fact she spent a maximum of 20 minutes without showing activity on tinder.

I think I fuck up, on tinder, because I used a zoomer slag wrong and she questioned that.


You could use that time to find another gf or for your hobby.


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Pepe is old news, people moved on to Apu.


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>Pepe is old news, people moved on to Apu.
Apu was astroturfed by people who didn't like Pepe to dumb down the meme.


Spurdo also came from Pepe and pedobear and is significantly more retarded than Apu, are you mad about that too?


>dajooz are after my frog memes
Nigger it is not 2016 anymore. Do you still think ZOG emperor dup is gonna save the white race with kekkin epic maymay magic too?


This, only shitskins and coomers love "Apu".


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Yes. Trump is going to save America and the white race, and 2016 never ended. We just got swarmed with limp dick demoralized faggots like you.


Apu > smug Pepe


Who the fuck is Apu


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The mentally retarded version of Pepe.


Oh like converting soyjaks into troonjaks?


Except it's a better meme.


Trump will get the election stolen again and republicans will do nothing about it again. They'll say "I don't get it, we love niggers and trannies so much, why won't people vote for us?" and fade from relevance forever. There's hope, obviously, there always is, but that hope does not lie in MIGA.




He's too far ahead of Biden this time for them to rig it, that's why they're trying to take him out of the frame by imprisoning him before the election, and they will probably succeed because they have piled on so many charges, and something is bound to stick.


Felons are allowed to run for president, even if they're in prison.


I know, I don't think he can win from prison, and even if he did, that's the perfect excuse for them to rig it again. "See, nobody voted for him because he's in prison."


Ok, so why do you give a fuck at all then?


I believe in miracles, it would be one if he beats the charges (or gets them dismissed) just due to the sheer number of them, but if he does, he will probably win.


Lula literally got out of prison thanks to his buddies just so he could run without being in prison.
Elections are a sham


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Funnier than you asuka, now bend down I'm gonna RAPE!


Nobody want your small dick, pedo.


Haven't most of the charges that would get him any jailtime already been dismissed anyway? The only ones that ever seem to go anywhere are financial charges and even then it's usually bullshit most other billionaires could just handwave or bribe their way out of.



Yeah but of course they have to keep trying to btfo dup forever because his red maga hat and having a border is literally fascism!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Never say never


Also, you aren't a pedo for finding the eva girls attractive.




Are you still around? What happened?


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Okay, since that anon didn't show up yet and I'm curious about his story, let me share mine. Bear in mind that I haven't slept for two days and I'm slightly drunk at the moment.

>The last person I ever loved in my life didn't speak to me for three years.

>She showed up again a few months ago, at first she was very cold and impersonal with me, she said that during those three years she had conflicting thoughts about me.
>"I was afraid that you would reject me when you found out what I tried to do and I was also afraid that the two of us would become too close again".
>By that she means she actually tried to kill herself, she sends two photos from the scars on her wrists, not emo style, but vertical cuts, very deep. And a very cute selfie from when she was in the psych ward, with her hair shaved.
>After almost a whole month of her being avoidant and almost only talking about her new job which is extremely abusive, making her work almost 190 hours a month, we started to feel closer and more casual again.
>She sends selfies, talk about how her actual relationship is pretty much dead, that she doesn't have sex with her partner, as she has to do all the housework, etc.
>She loves the songs I send her, we just have a little conflict about politics, but apart from that she does what I tell her, she listened to the audio-book I recommended, she even used masochism tolls on herself and took photos of it for me during one of her days off.
>She casually comments on whether she should create Grindr again. Since we live in different continents and I'm also stuck in an unhappy relationship, I say she should do what she wants to do…
>She creates an account on grindr, I as a creepy I also create one too and keep an eye on what she's doing.
>One day, in the morning, she tells me she's tired and needs to sleep, and then our conversation ends. I see that she remains active on Grindr for the next few hours. Many hours later I ask her if she's well, she just admits that she slept for an hour and is very tired. As far as I can tell, she spent almost four hours online on Grindr after telling me she needed to sleep.
>After a few days, having seen her often on Grindr, I decide to try her out. I tell her I'm feeling something strange is going on and I ask if she's using a date app. At first reluctantly, she admits that she does. I know where she works, almost 40km from her house, and I observed her using Grindr while she was there too.
>I ask, if she used the app while at work, then she finally LIES, saying that she would never want to take it to her work. I know that's a lie, but I can't admit it.
>Next day, her grindr profile is gone, she just sent me a message saying that she was banned, and I didn't touch the subject. She just comments that it's unfair that men can have "sex buddies" but she can't.
>Next two weeks are good, we're almost back to our normal of years ago, she starts using terms like "we, me and you, I want you here, I want to read together with you, I want you to use me as you wish, I want to make my body the temple of your cock". She takes more pictures of herself, etc. I send a dick pic, she seems to like it, comments on the thickness, etc.
>She acts more tired again the next day and says her mind is getting a bit fuck up again. I tell her that if she doesn't want to have lewd talk at the moment she should tell me. She says she doesn't care anymore, that my photo made her have "belly butterflies".
>We had a bad Friday and Saturday, she had a bad day at work, our conversations had less passion for each other, later on Saturday I saw that she was back on Grindr, her profile was back up.
>I realize that she spent several hours on grindr online and stayed up until close to midnight on grindr, while the last dms she sent me was at 17hrs, while she ignored my dms that I sent them at 18hrs and 19hrs.
>I stay up all night on Saturdays.
>Sunday is shit, no sleep, almost upset, not knowing quite what to do.
>8am, Sunday, she sends to me three shorty replies, I ignore them. She only says she's tired, comments on another subject and says again that her head is not doing well, especially her memory.
>11am, Sunday, she send to me some pictures of herself, naked, with a dildo, and said that she would help me sleep using her mouth, that I would finally have a good rest.
>I also ignore her again, not replying anything.
>One hour later, she just says "I would like to make you sleep better".
>I only keep watching her on grindr for the next hours, without sleeping.
>Today, 4am, dm again, sending some memes and looks a little worried that I didn't answer her.
>I stay up, watching her… on grindr, online, marking the hours she's online there…
>I create a fake account, and get in touch with someone she admitted to having been interested in on Grindr weeks ago, is an ugly tranny lesbian. I talk with the ugly tranny pretending to be a qt trans, I find out where this tranny lives and she sends to me photos of her, she has a very small and thin dick, but seems to like to groom other trannies while hates masculine guys. Typical AGP beta loser.
>She lives in another city, so after establishing these facts (the small dick, that she's not a real top and that she lives in a different city) I relax a bit.
>Hours later, still sleepless, I see that the ugly tranny is now less than 5km away from the house of the woman I love, she isn't only visiting the other city, but she's really close to her my girl lives.
>I enter the fake acc, and contact the ugly tranny, asking her if she's in town to meet a qt…

I haven't looked to see if she's answered that question. I don't know what gets me down more, the prospect of someone I love having sex with a dicklet agp "transbian" or if she's going to have sex with some nigger.
Love is like a toxin.


If I were one of those moralfags who have infested the internet in recent years, I would call you a "sinner" among other pretentious things used by these hypocrites who preach Jesus or their manhood as they show their asses online in Bible Streams.
I'm just sorry for you, anon, I believe this story to be true, because I'm a man with a lot of experience and I'm used to hearing all kinds of stories, especially from people who are in difficult times.
I hope you manage to get rid of your mental chains towards her, or that she decides you're the only one in her life.


>I just happened to be monitoring this thread, ready to talk about Jesus.
You have serious problems worse than that other guy.


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>Nooo, you can talk anything "negative" about my favorite zombie!


lmao, what happened with surfer? it's true? he's showing his butt again, but this time around to bryan dunn and perspic?


very epic derailment bro
let's see if the jannies make good on gayhole's new promises


he's still playing at porto alongside the other pepê


Okay, that one is good, soyjakparty.


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Trump is going to win.
Pepe is going to win.


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Normalfaggots and ecelebs ruined Pepe and Wojak.


>Normalfaggots and ecelebs
A.K.A. zoomers


Why are you saging? Still butthurt with the chad /cow/boys destroying your fat ass?


>the chad /cow/boys destroying your fat ass?
I don't even know what that's referring to. I saged because the thread is old and full of gay shit

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