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File: 1699392971917.mp4 (1.14 MB, 960x720, 4:3, steveharveylinein.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Times you acted like Mannie Fresh
>Go to barber
>Tell him to put a "Steve Harvey" line in
>Refuse to elaborate


>Got a two lane bowling alley up in the truck
>And on the other side of the bed if she wanting to fuck


File: 1701382388432.mp4 (2.2 MB, 960x720, 4:3, claponlights.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Dangerously fresh, get some clap on lights too


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>House real big, cars real big
>Dick real big, everything real big


I wish that were me


>I'm rich bitch i'm a fucking big timer


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/bwc/ board WHEN???




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>Push that button, microwave oven
>I'm just gettin' started pimp, you ain't seen nothin'


Why not just eat real pizza?


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>Rims real big, pockets real big
>Rings real big, let me tell you how I live


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Honorary BWC


No, bwc is a myth. Ramon is good ol nigger dick. Many whites have fallen.


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OK bwc is definitely a myth lmao
Ramon Black Dick ftw


This, that's why the latinx goblin seethe so much about Ramon, Ramon got the BWC while he only have his SLC


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>Then white boys go wild "He's my idol"
>And black boys say "Dude holdin' the title"


I guarantee you that if your barber was black, particularly was a black kid, he'd be all "dude's still holdin' the title"

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