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Chud Historian lost.
Breadtube won.


Not clicking that shit


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In all seriousness, how the fuck is this guy so uncharismatic. He has IH dead to rights and could realistically farm clout for years to come but he sounds like a genuine cuckold.


>four hour video essay on gay youtube drama
Holy shit honestly imagine wasting your life watching this.


So sad to see the angry video game nerd yell a cringe worthy advertisement slogan and read off of a plagiarized script


I'm not a gay faggot so I'm not going to watch 4 hours of a liberal cuckold bitching about e-drama. Could someone here who IS a gay faggot summarize what the fuck this video is about?


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Not only am I not watching this, I'm subscribing to IH.


Jeezus besides some cringeworthy moments the video isn't THAT bad. It's mostly showing how some YouTubers have plagiarized scripts for their videos, with some even reading off of Wikipedia unbeknownst to their audience.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And he used the scientific method to do it too!


Breadtuber keep winning, it's so over for us chuds nazis. I guess it's about time to me become a far-left tranny.


Sure, go cut your dick off.


>Troonmaxing on a dad board
That's right, bros. You heard it here first. Gahoole is going to be a father.


Yeah we're all celebrating on the discord


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There's nothing wrong with using discord or being a troon ally.
t. Mormon Shaggy


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Chad IH won, Breadtubers are losing hard!


>It's mostly showing how some YouTubers have plagiarized scripts for their videos, with some even reading off of Wikipedia unbeknownst to their audience.
Wikipedia is a free and open website. What's wrong with just reading straight from it? It's no different from having someone else write your script and you act it out. That's just part of producing a high-quality video.


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Chudmassacre forever btfo, not even dickriding the company behind Soylent would get them out of this jam.

The side effects of catering to the tumblrina kind, don't sound too assertive, those poor overgrown toddlers are in their mid 30s and they still can't tie their own shoes.

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