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File: 1705288352607.jpg (131.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, _9b402be0-d2a9-4fe7-b314-3….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>4chan complicates their captcha and adds a cloudflare bot check
>The content and bot threads remain completely unchanged.
I don't see how anybody in their right mind can complain or dislike this website without being a kike or fed.


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Anastasia Ponomarenko Knight is America's favorite Queen.


>4chan does thing
I don't care, kys


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>I love 4chan
Damn, nigga. That's all you had to say


cuckchan is redit with images
Godawful shit website populated almost entirely by Discord and Twitter trannies addicted to social media.

There's one comfy thread once in a blue moon in the deluge of shit and that's about it.


That was my point, asshole. They upped their anti-bot measures, and nothing changed.


>4chan complicates their captcha and adds a cloudflare bot check
I think they did it because the old system kept giving errors especially in incognito mode


But we're not talking about tvch…


Ouch, the try harder newfag just go btfo'd by (You).


4gagger spotted!


4chad spotted!


I don't have mood anymore to actually check 4chan. At least /tv/ is still okay or has it gotten much worse since 2017?


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The cloudfare bot block porn webm or image.
But the bot allow blacked porn.


I love tvch.
4cuck? I haven't posted there in 10 years.




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Just a coincidence, goy.
I love tvch too. I'm still fairly new here, but I'm an oldfag who's been around all summer. I came from YTMND prior to Chanology, back when /b/ was good and Milhouse was a meme. 4chumps was compromised during GG1 which was the whole reason for the Exodus to 8chan. Then 8chan was compromised when Congress called Jim to the carpet. 8kun is now a ghost ship of Fedcoats and Qtards. I needed to gtfo 8 before the election this year. It seems like tvch is going to be my new home. Most other chans are slow or dead. This place feels comfy… for now.


Are you 40 years old?


You do indeed talk like you're an old man


You sound like a fag.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Welcome home


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Pushing 50. I was playing Pac-Man in kindergarten. Cut my teeth on an Apple IIe. It's true. You're here forever.
It's good to be among my own kind of people.


Lol fuck you, you little shit.


I never liked Pac-Man. Devil World is better.


File: 1712280804211.mp4 (15.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, MoonMan_-_I_don't_wanna_mi….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

As long as we live, the internet of old never dies.



Long live the archivers because the internet never forgets. These people are going to reap what they sowed. Kikes know that everyone is noticing.

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