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>Big if true
Guys, if this vid is true, that means we've been lied to about talent, and we've been made to feel like losers all our lives in the face of "the great painters" of the renaissance and other periods.


Yeah no shit art teachers are well known for being some of the worst people you can find. The only enjoyment they get out of their awful careers is making their students miserable. Seeing a student enjoying themselves by tracing over something is enough to ruin their day.


Dude, think about it. Over 60 years of nationwide public education with art teachers like that, killing the majority of creative potential. Unfuckingbelievable.


Pretty much the thing to remember about all art teachers (and this wisdom extends to teachers in general really), is they're all just failed artists who are utterly miserable about that fact, and are now taking it out on you.
That, or they're just pedophiles.


I have never felt like a loser in the face of the great artists. That sounds like a you problem. Moreover, it should be fairly obvious that there's a big difference between an established artist using tracing and an art student using tracing. The student needs to learn to understand the various elements of a good painting. The artist already understands these things and needs to create a product to sell. It's the same reason why art teachers won't let you draw anime art. You won't be any good at it unless you've got some experience with things like weight and anatomy and lighting and composition, and you'll get that experience from actually drawing things.


Very pozzed post.


Cope. If you're not good at drawing you won't be good at tracing. You'll snap a photo of any old random crap without considering if it has any decent composition to it. Then you'll start tracing and it'll look flat and weird like the worst examples of 70s rotoscoping. You think tracing is a shortcut that'll save you the effort of learning to draw, but it's not.


>More pozz
What makes you think your opinion is valid when you purposely talk like a tranny shill


>more cope
Stay in school, little nigger.


>Stay in school
I will. Unlike the highschool dropout.


>Troonkikes shitting up the thread that points out a massive error in the school system or at the very least art curriculum.
It was a mistake. I love the Jewish people. I support Israel. The school system is infallible. Transrights are human rights. If transgender people want teaching jobs to have access to black children, I support their truth.


Besides how useful it is to sell doodles? I've heard so many stories about cartoonists digging out trash cans because they refuse to get an actual paying job. Sites like DeviantArt or Twitter show how deranged freeloaders can get, while in the industry is ten times worse because in (((their))) eyes you're nothing but another servant just to serve coffee. They're better off drawing lewd shit or restoring religious imagery.


Oh damn you got me. I don't think students should be tracing, therefore I do think they should be exposed to tranny porn in class. That's definitely true and not the dumbest, most niggerbrained mental gymnastics I've seen all week.


>while in the industry is ten times worse because in (((their))) eyes you're nothing
If you thrived in school amidst all the false teachings, then (((their))) assessment is correct. They know you're just another goyim servant.


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>I don't think students should be tracing.
Then that explains why nobody makes these anymore, and you're okay with it because you're a degenerate kike shill troon.


Again, students are different from actual artists.


Getting troony vibes from you.
When did you say students were different from actual artists? What's the point of saying this? How is a student supposed to learn to do something when he isn't even taught how something was done?
We're led to believe in school that those artists painted from scaffolding from their mind to the hand over the course of months and years when in fact they traced using lenses and cameras. SEEMS LIKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN APPROACH TO LEARNING AND PRACTICING TO ME, but go ahead and be a kiketroonshill and pretend this isn't an issue for no reason and for no gain.


She was probably an exception but my high school art teacher wasn't like that she let us draw/paint whatever the fuck we wanted as long as we were attempting to incorporate whatever technique she showed us at the beginning of the week. One kid drew a dick disguised as a beetle and she pinned that shit up in the hallway I still don't know if she knew or if it legitimately went over her head but none of the other faculty said anything about it.It was pretty cleverly disguised though.


Why are you attempting to seriously engage with what is obviously an obnoxious faggot?


Did you even watch the OP or are you just here to regale us with your tales of cocks.
Did your teacher let you play with mirrors, lenses, projectors, and cameras for tracing and color matching? No. Then fuck you.

Regardless of that fact, they are simply following curriculum guided by the state. I don't think the "failed to become, so they teach instead" meme is all that true. I think people just see a lucrative career where they're volunteering to serve what they were indoctrinated by.
I realize it's not a lot of money, but these people are indoctrinated to not want a lot of money. They see the tenure security and Summer vacations.


>How is a student supposed to learn to do something when he isn't even taught how something was done?
How is a student supposed to master an advanced technique like tracing over a specialized mirror device when he hasn't mastered basic drawing yet? How are you supposed to know what's even worth tracing when you can't build a decent visual composition? You retarded mongoloid nigger.
>We're led to believe in school that
Of all the bullshit we're led to believe in school, you're upset about this? You don't mind the years of holohoax propaganda? You don't mind the gay porn picture books? You're upset that your middle school art teacher or whatever didn't have a veneer mirror in her hour long art class? This is the thing you think is the center of the big conspiracy? You are the blackest gorilla retard I have seen on this site in years.

The reason why we don't make Sistine Chapels anymore is because our whole modern society has been mindraped by kike shit. You're not gonna suddenly get great works of art again if high school art teachers allow tracing in class.


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Oh you entered the motherfuckin lion's den now, mother fucker. I would say hol' up but I already collected dem infinite stones ON YOUR FUCKING ASS

Also yes.
Holohoax obviously sets up one aspect of the psyche for subterfuge, and it's extremely significant for shaping hearts and minds. OBVIOUSLY
Does it have a huge impact on creative energies? Possibly? More so than the potential impact I'm talking about here, or suggested in the video? Arguably not (I'll say with a questionmark)? Because I wasn't trying to imply that it necessarily was or wasn't. They could be equal or whatever. That's a different discussion. I do think it is significant to introduce these paintings of greatness, and then to shit you onto a piece of paper with some crayons to show you how bad you are in comparison without even ever at any point, not even likely in university, telling you how they painted those masterpieces that tourists from all over the world spend thousands of dollars to visit by the tens or hundreds of thousands per year.

>You're not gonna suddenly get great works of art again if high school art teachers allow tracing in class.

I completely disagree. You or the other anon that pointed out, whoever is whom, that people are starving to death trying to draw cartoons… BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN DECEIVED INTO pursuing some shitty avenue for payment via art. I would suggest that the same people that pursue cartoon jobs would not necessarily have developed an interest in this kind of art, and that some people that didn't find retard art engaging might very well have found it engaging to trace with this tech. I would think it would be mildly satisfying to recreate images in this way. I could see people making it their entire daily life because it doesn't require the often debilitating creativity drive like a writer might need to overcome writer's block. We can call it "divine inspiration."

Look at the realm of modern art and how pathetic and/or minimalist it has become. How demoralizing is it for potential would be artists to see this trite shit making hundreds of thousands without their comprehension? How stupid do those artists look or those consumers look for perceiving beauty in that stupid shit?

>How are you supposed to know what's even worth tracing when you can't build a decent visual composition?

What are you even talking about? You can recreate anything. Are you talking about what are people supposed to know what will sell? Consider all the shit people have built in minecraft as models of real life or even fictional works.
>Uh how did they know how to minecraft dat shid
That's what you sound like. Fuck off.

>This is the thing you think is the center of the big conspiracy?

It's just a god damn thread.

I rape thee. Consider thyself raped.


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When I was in Kindergarten, we were given an assignment in class to draw our faces. We were given crayons and paper. When everybody was done, the teacher hung them all on the walls for us to marvel in them as an achievement of a completed assignment.




How low are your standards in life in general and in all things because you were taught not to be a "perfectionist?"
Why was perfectionism conditioned out of you and taught to you to be a bad thing?


Chris Chan would've been praised if he published his shitty comic to TikTok or YouTube shorts.


Watching professional artists work, and seeing the degrees to which the whole process of drawing something is iterative process, where you basically fail, and redraw something over and over until it looks right, pretty much broke the illusion of what an "artist" is to me. I thought they just did it right the first time.


This my arts teachers would rage and you had to make art exactly how they wanted.


talent doesn't exist. only skill, which only progresses by practice/training.
art classes in school were far to restrictive and had huge teacher bias


Exactly. Some illustrations are strictly about washing out the mistake lines by drawing over them like molding clay. This makes the mirror tools and projection tools for tracing seem like an entirely practical assist tool for reducing the labor involved in honing the image. I wouldn't call these techniques hacks necessarily like the greats like Michelangelo cheated or something, but the fact that we're just led to believe that they had some innate prowess that none of us will have unless we are born with the skill has likely ruined countless lives that could have potentially led to various forms of prosperity.


>Did you even watch the OP or are you just here to regale us with your tales of cocks.
>Did your teacher let you play with mirrors, lenses, projectors, and cameras for tracing and color matching? No. Then fuck you.
I see, so you want me to shit your thread up. Got it


>I flunked art class but it's ok because public school is le pozz
ouch, wouldn't want to look at that report card


That's exactly why art is called an art and not a science. You go more by instinct instead of formulas. The purpose of exposing students to classic works of art, literature and music in school was to help them develop an instinct for beauty since it's not really something that can be taught. Then, at some point in the 20th century, a bunch of perverted intellectuals decided there is no such thing as beauty or goodness or truth, so they put a stop to that and now we have the embarrassment that is modern art.


Pretty much. If you have "talent", that just means you're not retarded and you had an environment that encouraged learning and growth. Supportive family/friends, decent teacher (assuming you had one), stuff like that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It was still painstaking work either way, and there are also other aspects like composition to consider.


You can have all this and only pretend to mount to something because you won't ever have the original techniques.


Did you guys trace your cocks yet


Teachers = Gods

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