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File: 1706389697565.png (2.02 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, gorthodoxy.png) ImgOps iqdb


Is my gorduck protestant? It's not very interested in Saint Ramon


File: 1706406041930.jpg (730.23 KB, 1490x1947, 1490:1947, Caricature_of_Wilhelm_I_by….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I've heard that Bismarck's Kulturkampf was widely popular among gorducks.


>tfw no gordunkaccino


A blended quad shot espresso with bamboo milk and duck fat.


Maybe with some lemon zest on top.
Holy shit I might try this.


Ramon is an excellent example of the highest values of the catholic faith. His sainthood was well deserved.


Thank you, op, i'll be saving that one.


Based, just remember that Ramon won.


File: 1713657423415.mp4 (1.32 MB, 960x536, 120:67, thank you.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

tbqh i only visit this place nowadays bc of the ramonposters/armondwhite/jbalvin anons and bc /dup/ sometimes has something good


File: 1713659451126.gif (5.19 MB, 300x212, 75:53, PPP slaps himself in laugh….gif) ImgOps iqdb


Why does he make a Latrino like you so upset?


Someone else explained that years ago. He hates Ramon/JBalv because they are latinos who had some """success""" in their fucking lifes, be it by fucking whores with a big cock or making shit music, while he is a small dick loser living with his parents in Venezuela/Mexico/Guatemala/Brazil/Argentina who used the Bible and Blacked as cope about being a fucking loser hated by everyone.


Oh boy new made up characters to boogeyman about like sooo funny and haha you switched "zach" out with "latrino" and are posting all the exact same shit, but different label! Haha! Same but different! Haha! Same but different! lol ohhhh myyyyy gaaaawwwd


>posts the same cope he always uses whenever he's called out
Everyone knows you actually enjoy these interactions and if you weren't too much of a terminally online pussy with obesity you would have been a serial killer.


you suck


…your whore of a mothers fertile vaginal juices


>you suck your whore of a mothers fertile vaginal juices
If that's the rest of my sentence, it means you partake in incestuous cunnilingus.


File: 1713819855630.jpg (85.02 KB, 620x800, 31:40, Goblin.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Damn, son, you are unironically a sperg with small dick energy. That's why everyone calls you "the peanutgoblin".


i swear i saw a super ramon meme on 4chan archives from over 10 years ago, it's an edit of him on Alien

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